Source code for psychopy_plugin_template.visual.exampleVisualStim

from psychopy.visual.basevisual import BaseVisualStim
from import attributeSetter, setAttribute

[docs] class ExampleVisualStim(BaseVisualStim): """ Blank visual stim to showcase how to make a new visual stim. Should be deleted before publishing your plugin. Parameters ---------- win : psychopy.visual.Window Window to draw stimulus to units : str Spatial unit space in which to specify size, pos, etc. for stimulus. name : str Arbitrary name by which to refer to stimulus autoLog : bool Whether to automatically log any changes to stimulus' attributes """
[docs] def draw(self): """ Your stimulus class needs to define a `draw` function - otherwise you'll hit a NotImplementedError at the first win flip! """ return
@attributeSetter def exampleAttribute(self, value): """ Example attribute to show how to use the attributeSetter decorator. Parameters ---------- value : any Whatever value you want to set """ # attributeSetter handles all of the necessary logging stuff - so all you need to do is set the base value in this object's __dict__ self.__dict__['exampleAttribute'] = value # you may want setting this attribute to do something else - let's say changing color if given one of three color names if value in ("red", "green", "blue"): self.fillColor = value
[docs] def setExampleAttribute(self, value, log=True): """ If an attribute can be set each frame/repeat from Builder, there needs to be a function called set<attribute name in PascalCase> as this will be called from the generated code. Parameters ---------- value : any Whatever value you want to set log : bool, optional Whether or not to log setting this attribute - will be True for set each repeat and False for set each frame """ setAttribute(self, "exampleAttribute", value=value, log=log)

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