Source code for psychopy_plugin_template.hardware.exampleResponseDevice
from psychopy.hardware.base import BaseResponseDevice, BaseResponse
class ExampleResponse(BaseResponse):
Blank hardware response object to showcase how to make a new type of hardware response for a ResponseDevice.
t : float
Time at which the response happened
Value received (e.g. the key on a keyboard)
class ExampleResponseDevice(BaseResponseDevice):
Blank hardware object to showcase how to make a new type of hardware object for a response device.
Should be deleted before publishing your plugin.
listeners : list[psychopy.hardware.listeners.BaseListener]
List of listeners to send responses to
responses : list[ExampleResponse]
List of responses received by this device object
muteOutsidePsychopy : bool
If True, then mute any responses gathered when the PsychoPy window is not in focus
responseClass = ExampleResponse
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