Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Part of the PsychoPy library
# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Jonathan Peirce (C) 2019-2022 Open Science Tools Ltd.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

"""PhotoResearch spectrophotometers


from psychopy import logging
import sys
import time
import numpy

    import serial
except ImportError:
    serial = False

[docs] class PR650: """An interface to the PR650 via the serial port. (Added in version 1.63.02) example usage:: from import PR650 myPR650 = PR650(port) myPR650.getLum() # make a measurement nm, power = myPR650.getLastSpectrum() # get a power spectrum for the last measurement NB :func:`psychopy.hardware.findPhotometer()` will locate and return any supported device for you so you can also do:: from psychopy import hardware phot = hardware.findPhotometer() print(phot.getLum()) :troubleshooting: Various messages are printed to the log regarding the function of this device, but to see them you need to set the printing of the log to the correct level:: from psychopy import logging logging.console.setLevel(logging.ERROR) # error messages only logging.console.setLevel(logging.INFO) # will give more info logging.console.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # log all communications If you're using a keyspan adapter (at least on macOS) be aware that it needs a driver installed. Otherwise no ports will be found. Also note that the attempt to connect to the PR650 must occur within the first few seconds after turning it on. """ longName = "PR650" driverFor = ["pr650"] def __init__(self, port, verbose=None): super(PR650, self).__init__() if type(port) in (int, float): # add one so that port 1=COM1 self.portNumber = port self.portString = 'COM%i' % self.portNumber else: self.portString = port self.portNumber = None self.isOpen = 0 self.lastQual = 0 self.type = 'PR650' = False self.OK = True # until we fail = {'OK': '000\r\n', # this is returned after measure '18': 'Light Low', # returned at beginning of data '10': 'Light Low', '00': 'OK'} # try to open the port _linux = sys.platform.startswith('linux') if sys.platform in ('darwin', 'win32') or _linux: try: = serial.Serial(self.portString) except Exception: msg = ("Couldn't connect to port %s. Is it being used by" " another program?") self._error(msg % self.portString) else: msg = "I don't know how to handle serial ports on %s" self._error(msg % sys.platform) # setup the params for PR650 comms if self.OK: = 9600 = 'N' # none = 1 try: # Pyserial >=2.6 throws an exception when trying to open a # serial port that is already open. Catching that exception # is not an option here because PySerial only defines a # single exception type (SerialException) if not except Exception: msg = "Opened serial port %s, but couldn't connect to PR650" self._error(msg % self.portString) else: self.isOpen = 1 if self.OK:"Successfully opened %s" % self.portString) time.sleep(0.1) # wait while establish connection # turn on the backlight as feedback reply = self.sendMessage('b1\n') if reply !=['OK']: self._error("PR650 isn't communicating") if self.OK: # set command to make sure using right units etc... reply = self.sendMessage('s01,,,,,,01,1') def _error(self, msg): self.OK = False logging.error(msg)
[docs] def sendMessage(self, message, timeout=0.5, DEBUG=False): """Send a command to the photometer and wait an allotted timeout for a response (Timeout should be long for low light measurements) """ if message[-1] != '\n': message += '\n' # append a newline if necess # flush the read buffer first # read as many chars as are in the buffer # send the message for letter in message: # for PR655 have to send individual chars ! :-/ if type(letter)!=bytes: letter = bytes(letter, 'utf-8') time.sleep(0.1) # PR650 gets upset if hurried! # get feedback (within timeout limit) = timeout logging.debug(message) # send complete message if message in ('d5\n', 'D5\n'): # we need a spectrum which will have multiple lines reply = reply = [thisLine.decode('utf-8') for thisLine in reply] else: reply ='utf-8') return reply
[docs] def measure(self, timeOut=30.0): """Make a measurement with the device. For a PR650 the device is instructed to make a measurement and then subsequent commands are issued to retrieve info about that measurement. """ t1 = time.clock() reply = self.sendMessage('m0\n', timeOut) # measure and hold data # using the hold data method the PR650 we can get interogate it # several times for a single measurement if reply ==['OK']: raw = self.sendMessage('d2') xyz = raw.split(',') # parse into words self.lastQual = str(xyz[0]) if[self.lastQual] == 'OK': self.lastLum = float(xyz[3]) else: self.lastLum = 0.0 else: logging.warning("Didn't collect any data (extend timeout?)")
[docs] def getLum(self): """Makes a measurement and returns the luminance value """ self.measure() return self.getLastLum()
[docs] def getSpectrum(self, parse=True): """Makes a measurement and returns the current power spectrum If ``parse=True`` (default): The format is a num array with 100 rows [nm, power] If ``parse=False`` (default): The output will be the raw string from the PR650 and should then be passed to ``.parseSpectrumOutput()``. It's slightly more efficient to parse R,G,B strings at once than each individually. """ self.measure() return self.getLastSpectrum(parse=parse)
[docs] def getLastLum(self): """This retrieves the luminance (in cd/m**2) from the last call to ``.measure()`` """ return self.lastLum
[docs] def getLastSpectrum(self, parse=True): """This retrieves the spectrum from the last call to ``.measure()`` If ``parse=True`` (default): The format is a num array with 100 rows [nm, power] otherwise: The output will be the raw string from the PR650 and should then be passed to ``.parseSpectrumOutput()``. It's more efficient to parse R,G,B strings at once than each individually. """ raw = self.sendMessage('d5') # returns a list where each list if parse: # skip the first 2 entries (info) return self.parseSpectrumOutput(raw[2:]) else: return raw
[docs] def parseSpectrumOutput(self, rawStr): """Parses the strings from the PR650 as received after sending the command 'd5'. The input argument "rawStr" can be the output from a single phosphor spectrum measurement or a list of 3 such measurements [rawR, rawG, rawB]. """ if len(rawStr) == 3: RGB = True rawR = rawStr[0][2:] rawG = rawStr[1][2:] rawB = rawStr[2][2:] nPoints = len(rawR) else: RGB = False nPoints = len(rawStr) raw = rawStr[2:] nm = [] if RGB: power = [[], [], []] for n in range(nPoints): # each entry in list is a string like this: thisNm, thisR = rawR[n].split(',') thisR = thisR.replace('\r\n', '') thisNm, thisG = rawG[n].split(',') thisG = thisG.replace('\r\n', '') thisNm, thisB = rawB[n].split(',') thisB = thisB.replace('\r\n', '') exec('nm.append(%s)' % thisNm) exec('power[0].append(%s)' % thisR) exec('power[1].append(%s)' % thisG) exec('power[2].append(%s)' % thisB) else: power = [] for n, point in enumerate(rawStr): # each entry in list is a string like this: thisNm, thisPower = point.split(',') nm.append(thisNm) power.append(thisPower.replace('\r\n', '')) return numpy.asarray(nm), numpy.asarray(power)
[docs] class PR655(PR650): """An interface to the PR655/PR670 via the serial port. example usage:: from import PR655 myPR655 = PR655(port) myPR655.getLum() # make a measurement nm, power = myPR655.getLastSpectrum() # get a power spectrum for the last measurement NB :func:`psychopy.hardware.findPhotometer()` will locate and return any supported device for you so you can also do:: from psychopy import hardware phot = hardware.findPhotometer() print(phot.getLum()) :troubleshooting: If the device isn't responding try turning it off and turning it on again, and/or disconnecting/reconnecting the USB cable. It may be that the port has become controlled by some other program. """ longName = "PR655/PR670" driverFor = ["pr655", "pr670"] def __init__(self, port): self.type = None # get this from the device later = False self.OK = True # until we fail if type(port) in (int, float): # add one so that port 1=COM1 self.portNumber = port self.portString = 'COM%i' % self.portNumber else: self.portString = port self.portNumber = None = {'OK': '000\r\n', # this is returned after measure '18': 'Light Low', # returned at beginning of data '10': 'Light Low', '00': 'OK'} # try to open the port try: = serial.Serial(self.portString) except Exception: msg = ("Couldn't connect to port %s. Is it being used by " "another program?") self._error(msg % self.portString) # setup the params for PR650 comms if self.OK: = 9600 = 'N' # none = 1 try: # attempt to close if it's currently open self.isOpen = 1 except Exception: msg = ("Found a device on serial port %s, but couldn't " "open that port") self._error(msg % self.portString) # this should be large when making measurements = 0.1 self.startRemoteMode() self.type = self.getDeviceType() if self.type: msg = "Successfully opened %s on %s" % (self.type, self.portString)) else: self._error("PR655/PR670 isn't communicating") def __del__(self): try: self.endRemoteMode() time.sleep(0.1) logging.debug('Closed PR655 port') except Exception: pass
[docs] def startRemoteMode(self): """Sets the Colorimeter into remote mode """ reply = self.sendMessage('PHOTO', timeout=10.0)
[docs] def getDeviceType(self): """Return the device type (e.g. 'PR-655' or 'PR-670') """ reply = self.sendMessage('D111') # returns errCode, return _stripLineEnds(reply.split(',')[-1]) # last element
[docs] def getDeviceSN(self): """Return the device serial number """ reply = self.sendMessage('D110') # returns errCode, return _stripLineEnds(reply.split(',')[-1]) # last element
[docs] def endRemoteMode(self): """Puts the colorimeter back into normal mode """'Q')
[docs] def getLastTristim(self): """Fetches (from the device) the last CIE 1931 Tristimulus values :returns: list: status, units, Tristimulus Values :see also: :func:`~PR655.measure` automatically populates pr655.lastTristim with just the tristimulus coordinates """ result = self.sendMessage('D2') return result.split(',')
[docs] def getLastUV(self): """Fetches (from the device) the last CIE 1976 u,v coords :returns: list: status, units, Photometric brightness, u, v :see also: :func:`~PR655.measure` automatically populates pr655.lastUV with [u,v] """ result = self.sendMessage('D3') return result.split(',')
[docs] def getLastXY(self): """Fetches (from the device) the last CIE 1931 x,y coords :returns: list: status, units, Photometric brightness, x,y :see also: :func:`~PR655.measure` automatically populates pr655.lastXY with [x,y] """ result = self.sendMessage('D1') return result.split(',')
[docs] def getLastSpectrum(self, parse=True): """This retrieves the spectrum from the last call to :func:`~PR655.measure` If `parse=True` (default): The format is a num array with 100 rows [nm, power] otherwise: The output will be the raw string from the PR650 and should then be passed to :func:`~PR655.parseSpectrumOutput`. It's more efficient to parse R,G,B strings at once than each individually. """ raw = self.sendMessage('D5') # returns a list where each list if parse: # skip the first 2 entries (info) return self.parseSpectrumOutput(raw[2:]) else: return raw
[docs] def getLastColorTemp(self): """Fetches (from the device) the color temperature (K) of the last measurement :returns: list: status, units, exponent, correlated color temp (Kelvins), CIE 1960 deviation :see also: :func:`~PR655.measure` automatically populates pr655.lastColorTemp with the color temp in Kelvins """ result = self.sendMessage('D4') return result.split(',')
[docs] def measure(self, timeOut=30.0): """Make a measurement with the device. This automatically populates: - ``.lastLum`` - ``.lastSpectrum`` - `.lastCIExy` - `.lastCIEuv` """ reply = self.sendMessage('M0', timeout=30) self.measured = True CIEuv = self.getLastUV() CIExy = self.getLastXY() CIEtristim = self.getLastTristim() self.lastLum = float(CIEuv[2]) self.lastUV = [float(CIEuv[3]), float(CIEuv[4])] self.lastXY = [float(CIExy[3]), float(CIExy[4])] self.lastTristim = [float(CIEtristim[2]), float( CIEtristim[3]), float(CIEtristim[4])] self.lastSpectrum = self.getLastSpectrum(parse=True) self.lastColorTemp = int(self.getLastColorTemp()[3])
[docs] def parseSpectrumOutput(self, rawStr): """Parses the strings from the PR650 as received after sending the command 'D5'. The input argument "rawStr" can be the output from a single phosphor spectrum measurement or a list of 3 such measurements [rawR, rawG, rawB]. """ if len(rawStr) == 3: RGB = True rawR = rawStr[0][2:] rawG = rawStr[1][2:] rawB = rawStr[2][2:] nPoints = len(rawR) else: RGB = False nPoints = len(rawStr) raw = rawStr[2:] nm = [] if RGB: power = [[], [], []] for n in range(nPoints): # each entry in list is a string like this: thisNm, thisR = rawR[n].split(',') thisR = thisR.replace('\r\n', '') thisNm, thisG = rawG[n].split(',') thisG = thisG.replace('\r\n', '') thisNm, thisB = rawB[n].split(',') thisB = thisB.replace('\r\n', '') exec('nm.append(%s)' % thisNm) exec('power[0].append(%s)' % thisR) exec('power[1].append(%s)' % thisG) exec('power[2].append(%s)' % thisB) else: power = [] for n, point in enumerate(rawStr): # each entry in list is a string like this: thisNm, thisPower = point.split(',') nm.append(float(thisNm)) power.append(float(thisPower.replace('\r\n', ''))) return numpy.asarray(nm), numpy.asarray(power)
def _stripLineEnds(s): return s.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '') if __name__ == "__main__": pass

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