#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of the PsychoPy library
# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Jonathan Peirce (C) 2019-2022 Open Science Tools Ltd.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
"""Minolta light-measuring devices
See http://www.konicaminolta.com/instruments
from psychopy import logging
import sys
import time
import serial
except ImportError:
serial = False
class CS100A:
"""A class to define a Minolta CS100A photometer
You need to connect a CS100A to the serial (RS232) port and
**when you turn it on press the F key** on the device. This will put
it into the correct mode to communicate with the serial port.
from psychopy.hardware import minolta
phot = minolta.CS100A(port)
if phot.OK: # then we successfully made a connection
port: string
the serial port that should be checked
maxAttempts: int
If the device doesn't respond first time how many attempts
should be made? If you're certain that this is the correct
port and the device is on and correctly configured then this
could be set high. If not then set this low.
Various messages are printed to the log regarding the function
of this device, but to see them you need to set the printing of
the log to the correct level::
from psychopy import logging
logging.console.setLevel(logging.ERROR) # error messages only
logging.console.setLevel(logging.INFO) # more info
logging.console.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # log all communications
If you're using a keyspan adapter (at least on macOS) be aware that
it needs a driver installed. Otherwise no ports will be found.
Error messages:
``ERROR: Couldn't connect to Minolta CS100A on ____``:
This likely means that the device is not connected to that port
(although the port has been found and opened). Check that the
device has the `[` in the bottom right of the display;
if not turn off and on again holding the `F` key.
``ERROR: No reply from CS100A``:
The port was found, the connection was made and an initial
command worked, but then the device stopped communating. If the
first measurement taken with the device after connecting does
not yield a reasonable intensity the device can sulk (not a
technical term!). The "[" on the display will disappear and you
can no longer communicate with the device. Turn it off and on
again (with F depressed) and use a reasonably bright screen for
your first measurement. Subsequent measurements can be dark
(or we really would be in trouble!!).
longName = "Minolta CS100A"
driverFor = ["cs100a"]
def __init__(self, port, maxAttempts=1):
super(CS100A, self).__init__()
if not serial:
raise ImportError("The module serial is needed to connect to "
"photometers. On most systems this can be "
"installed with\n\t easy_install pyserial")
if type(port) in [int, float]:
# add one so that port 1=COM1
self.portNumber = port
self.portString = 'COM%i' % self.portNumber
self.portString = port
self.portNumber = None
self.isOpen = 0
self.lastQual = 0
self.lastLum = None
self.lastCode = None
self.lastXColor = None
self.lastYColor = None
self.lastXY = None
self.type = 'CS100A'
self.com = False
self.OK = True # until we fail
self.maxAttempts = maxAttempts
self.codes = {
'ER00\r\n': 'Unknown command',
'ER01\r\n': 'Setting error',
'ER11\r\n': 'Memory value error',
'ER10\r\n': 'Measuring range over',
'ER19\r\n': 'Display range over',
'ER20\r\n': 'EEPROM error (the photometer needs repair)',
'ER30\r\n': 'Photometer battery exhausted', }
# try to open the port
_linux = sys.platform.startswith('linux')
if sys.platform in ('darwin', 'win32') or _linux:
self.com = serial.Serial(self.portString)
except Exception:
msg = ("Couldn't connect to port %s. Is it being used by "
"another program?")
self._error(msg % self.portString)
msg = "I don't know how to handle serial ports on %s"
self._error(msg % sys.platform)
# setup the params for comms
if self.OK:
self.com.close() # not sure why this helps but on win32 it does!!
self.com.bytesize = 7
self.com.baudrate = 4800
self.com.parity = serial.PARITY_EVEN # none
self.com.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_TWO
if not self.com.isOpen():
except Exception:
msg = "Opened serial port %s, but couldn't connect to CS100A"
self._error(msg % self.portString)
self.isOpen = 1
if self.OK: # we have an open com port. try to send a command
for repN in range(self.maxAttempts):
for n in range(10):
# set to use absolute measurements
reply = self.sendMessage('MDS,04')
if reply[0:2] == 'OK':
self.OK = True
elif reply not in self.codes:
self.OK = False
break # wasn't valid
self.OK = False # false so far but keep trying
if self.OK: # we have successfully sent and read a command
logging.info("Successfully opened %s" % self.portString)
def setMode(self, mode='04'):
"""Set the mode for measurements. Returns True (success) or False
'04' means absolute measurements.
'08' = peak
'09' = cont
See user manual for other modes
reply = self.sendMessage('MDS,%s' % mode)
return self.checkOK(reply)
def measure(self):
"""Measure the current luminance and set .lastLum to this value
reply = self.sendMessage('MES')
if self.checkOK(reply):
#lum = float(reply.split()[-1])
# Parse args returned by photometer
parsed = reply.split(',')
code = parsed[0] #status code string (e.g., 'OK00')
self.lastCode = code
lum = float(parsed[1])
self.lastLum = lum
#extract chromaticity data if available
if len(parsed) == 4:
self.lastXColor = float(parsed[2]) #x coordinate
self.lastYColor = float(parsed[3]) #y coordinate
self.lastXY = [float(parsed[2]), float(parsed[3])]
return lum
return -1
def getLum(self):
"""Makes a measurement and returns the luminance value
return self.measure()
def get_xyY(self):
lum = self.measure()
return [self.lastXColor, self.lastYColor, self.lastLum]
def clearMemory(self):
"""Clear the memory of the device from previous measurements
reply = self.sendMessage('CLE')
ok = self.checkOK(reply)
return ok
def checkOK(self, msg):
"""Check that the message from the photometer is OK.
If there's an error show it (printed).
Then return True (OK) or False.
# also check that the reply is what was expected
if msg[0:2] != 'OK':
if msg == '':
logging.error('No reply from CS100A')
logging.error('Error message from CS100A:' + self.codes[msg])
return False
return True
def sendMessage(self, message, timeout=5.0):
"""Send a command to the photometer and wait an allotted
timeout for a response.
The message can be in either bytes or unicode but the returned string
will always be utf-encoded.
# append a newline if necessary (for either str or bytes)
if type(message) == str:
if message[-2:] != '\r\n':
message += '\r\n'
elif type(message) == bytes:
if message[-2:] != b'\r\n':
message += b'\r\n'
# flush the read buffer first
# read as many chars as are in the buffer
# then send message and catch any returned chars
for attemptN in range(self.maxAttempts):
# send the message
if type(message) != bytes:
message = bytes(message, 'utf-8')
# get reply (within timeout limit)
self.com.timeout = timeout
# send complete message
logging.debug('Sent command:' + str(message[:-2]))
retVal = self.com.readline().decode('utf-8')
if len(retVal) > 0:
break # we got a reply so can stop trying
return retVal
def _error(self, msg):
self.OK = False
def setMaxAttempts(self, maxAttempts):
"""Changes the number of attempts to send a message and read the
output. Typically this should be low initially, if you aren't sure
that the device is setup correctly but then, after the first
successful reading, set it higher.
self.maxAttempts = maxAttempts
class LS100:
"""A class to define a Minolta LS100 (or LS110?) photometer
You need to connect a LS100 to the serial (RS232) port and
**when you turn it on press the F key** on the device. This will put
it into the correct mode to communicate with the serial port.
from psychopy.hardware import minolta
phot = minolta.LS100(port)
if phot.OK: # then we successfully made a connection
port: string
the serial port that should be checked
maxAttempts: int
If the device doesn't respond first time how many attempts
should be made? If you're certain that this is the correct
port and the device is on and correctly configured then this
could be set high. If not then set this low.
Various messages are printed to the log regarding the function
of this device, but to see them you need to set the printing of
the log to the correct level::
from psychopy import logging
logging.console.setLevel(logging.ERROR) # error messages only
logging.console.setLevel(logging.INFO) # more info
logging.console.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # log all communications
If you're using a keyspan adapter (at least on macOS) be aware that
it needs a driver installed. Otherwise no ports will be found.
Error messages:
``ERROR: Couldn't connect to Minolta LS100/110 on ____``:
This likely means that the device is not connected to that port
(although the port has been found and opened). Check that the
device has the `[` in the bottom right of the display;
if not turn off and on again holding the `F` key.
``ERROR: No reply from LS100``:
The port was found, the connection was made and an initial
command worked, but then the device stopped communating. If the
first measurement taken with the device after connecting does
not yield a reasonable intensity the device can sulk (not a
technical term!). The "[" on the display will disappear and you
can no longer communicate with the device. Turn it off and on
again (with F depressed) and use a reasonably bright screen for
your first measurement. Subsequent measurements can be dark
(or we really would be in trouble!!).
longName = "Minolta LS100/LS110"
driverFor = ["ls110", "ls100"]
def __init__(self, port, maxAttempts=1):
super(LS100, self).__init__()
if not serial:
raise ImportError("The module serial is needed to connect to "
"photometers. On most systems this can be "
"installed with\n\t easy_install pyserial")
if type(port) in [int, float]:
# add one so that port 1=COM1
self.portNumber = port
self.portString = 'COM%i' % self.portNumber
self.portString = port
self.portNumber = None
self.isOpen = 0
self.lastQual = 0
self.lastLum = None
self.type = 'LS100'
self.com = False
self.OK = True # until we fail
self.maxAttempts = maxAttempts
self.codes = {
'ER00\r\n': 'Unknown command',
'ER01\r\n': 'Setting error',
'ER11\r\n': 'Memory value error',
'ER10\r\n': 'Measuring range over',
'ER19\r\n': 'Display range over',
'ER20\r\n': 'EEPROM error (the photometer needs repair)',
'ER30\r\n': 'Photometer battery exhausted', }
# try to open the port
_linux = sys.platform.startswith('linux')
if sys.platform in ('darwin', 'win32') or _linux:
self.com = serial.Serial(self.portString)
except Exception:
msg = ("Couldn't connect to port %s. Is it being used by "
"another program?")
self._error(msg % self.portString)
msg = "I don't know how to handle serial ports on %s"
self._error(msg % sys.platform)
# setup the params for comms
if self.OK:
self.com.close() # not sure why this helps but on win32 it does!!
# this is a slightly odd characteristic of the Minolta LS100
self.com.bytesize = 7
self.com.baudrate = 4800
self.com.parity = serial.PARITY_EVEN # none
self.com.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_TWO
if not self.com.isOpen():
except Exception:
msg = "Opened serial port %s, but couldn't connect to LS100"
self._error(msg % self.portString)
self.isOpen = 1
if self.OK: # we have an open com port. try to send a command
for repN in range(self.maxAttempts):
for n in range(10):
# set to use absolute measurements
reply = self.sendMessage('MDS,04')
if reply[0:2] == 'OK':
self.OK = True
elif reply not in self.codes:
self.OK = False
break # wasn't valid
self.OK = False # false so far but keep trying
if self.OK: # we have successfully sent and read a command
logging.info("Successfully opened %s" % self.portString)
def setMode(self, mode='04'):
"""Set the mode for measurements. Returns True (success) or False
'04' means absolute measurements.
'08' = peak
'09' = cont
See user manual for other modes
reply = self.sendMessage('MDS,%s' % mode)
return self.checkOK(reply)
def measure(self):
"""Measure the current luminance and set .lastLum to this value
reply = self.sendMessage('MES')
if self.checkOK(reply):
lum = float(reply.split()[-1])
return lum
return -1
def getLum(self):
"""Makes a measurement and returns the luminance value
return self.measure()
def clearMemory(self):
"""Clear the memory of the device from previous measurements
reply = self.sendMessage('CLE')
ok = self.checkOK(reply)
return ok
def checkOK(self, msg):
"""Check that the message from the photometer is OK.
If there's an error show it (printed).
Then return True (OK) or False.
# also check that the reply is what was expected
if msg[0:2] != 'OK':
if msg == '':
logging.error('No reply from LS100')
logging.error('Error message from LS100:' + self.codes[msg])
return False
return True
def sendMessage(self, message, timeout=5.0):
"""Send a command to the photometer and wait an allotted
timeout for a response.
The message can be in either bytes or unicode but the returned string
will always be utf-encoded.
# append a newline if necessary (for either str or bytes)
if type(message) == str:
if message[-2:] != '\r\n':
message += '\r\n'
elif type(message) == bytes:
if message[-2:] != b'\r\n':
message += b'\r\n'
# flush the read buffer first
# read as many chars as are in the buffer
# then send message and catch any returned chars
for attemptN in range(self.maxAttempts):
# send the message
if type(message) != bytes:
message = bytes(message, 'utf-8')
# get reply (within timeout limit)
self.com.timeout = timeout
# send complete message
logging.debug('Sent command:' + str(message[:-2]))
retVal = self.com.readline().decode('utf-8')
if len(retVal) > 0:
break # we got a reply so can stop trying
return retVal
def _error(self, msg):
self.OK = False
def setMaxAttempts(self, maxAttempts):
"""Changes the number of attempts to send a message and read the
output. Typically this should be low initially, if you aren't sure
that the device is setup correctly but then, after the first
successful reading, set it higher.
self.maxAttempts = maxAttempts
if __name__ == "__main__":