Opti CAL

Python interface to the CRS ‘OptiCAL’ photometer.


The ‘OptiCAL’ is a photometer that is produced by Cambridge Research Systems (CRS). This device is a standard tool for gamma-calibration of display devices in vision research. This package provides a free-software replacement for the Windows-software distributed by the manufacturer that allows querying an OptiCAL via a serial connection. pyoptical can be used as a library in third-party applications or as a standalone command line tool.

This module provides the OptiCAL class and some supporting code. The command line wrapper for this module can be found in the ‘pyoptical’ script.


Command line:

pyoptical --number=15 --interval=750 /dev/ttyUSB0

Make 15 measurements with an interval of 750 ms between them.


pyoptical [-i interval] [-n number ] [-r] com-port

For more information try, pyoptical --help. For more information about the com-port argument see: Notes about the com-port.

>>> import pyoptical
>>> op = pyoptical.OptiCAL('dev/dev/ttyUSB0')
>>> try:
>>>     op.read_luminance()
>>> except pyoptical.NACKException as e:
>>>     print(e)

Notes about the com-port

The com_port argument for the constructor may vary depending on both your operating system and how you connect to the OptiCAL. This code was developed using a usb-to-serial adapter that contains a PL2303 chipset manufactured by Prolific: http://www.prolific.com.tw/eng/Products.asp?ID=59. The following sections outline how to access the OptiCAL using pyoptical and a usb-to-serial adapter containing the prolific chipset. We have not tried this code using a raw serial port, but would be very interested to hear from you if you do.

Linux (Ubuntu Hardy / Debian Lenny):

Support for the PL2303 chipset is compiled into the kernel, and the device is automatically recognised. You could check ‘dmesg’ for the following output:

usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 4
usb 2-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
pl2303 2-1:1.0: pl2303 converter detected
usb 2-1: pl2303 converter now attached to ttyUSB0

In this case the com_port string is simply /dev/ttyUSB0

Mac OSX (10.5.8 Leopard)

Support for the PL2303 chipset is provided by the following open source driver: http://osx-pl2303.sourceforge.net/

In this case the com-port string would be something along the lines of /dev/tty.PL2303-xxx, for example: /dev/tty.PL2303-000031FD

Windows (XP)

The manufacturer of your usb-to-serial adapter should provide you with drivers.

In this case the com-port string would be something like: COM2, check the device manager for the number of the COM port.

Other Operating Systems and Adapters:

This code has two limitations, most importantly pyserial must support your platform. Secondly, if you wish to use a usb-to-serial adapter a driver for your target operating system must be available from the manufacturer or possibly a third party (for example and open source driver).

Notes about possible exceptions

There are three types of exceptions that can happen:

  • OptiCALException

  • NACKException

  • TimeoutException

The OptiCALException is the base class for all exceptions in this module, and it is used as a general purpose exception to signify errors on the part of the programmer, do not quietly except these.

The NACKException is raised when the OptiCAL responds with a NACK byte. It does this either if the command was not understood or if the command failed. If this happens during initialization, you may have to re-initialise the device. If this happens during readout it should be safe to try again instead of terminating the program.

The TimeoutException is raised when no answer is received within the default timeout length. This might be caused by a number of issues, but essentially means that somehow the communication with the OptiCAL might be interrupted, for example because it is no longer connected to the computer.

Implementation details

The interface is implemented according to the protocol specification in the OptiCAL-User-Guide Version 4, 1995 including the following amendments:

  1. To read out the ADC value, an ‘L’ must be sent instead of an ‘R’

  2. The equations to convert from ADC to meaningful units had changed. See the source code of read_luminance() for details.

The full errata is available from the CSR website:


The corrected versions of the conversion formulas can also be found in the OptiCAL.py python interface available from the CRS website, written by Walter F. Bischof in 2007. However note that this code may contain a bug, see http://groups.google.com/group/psychopy-users/msg/9cb35590daf3a29b for detail.

The constructor will first perform the initial calibration of the device as required by the protocol specification. Next it will read out all parameters from the eeprom and store them as private variables. And lastly it will put the device into the default mode.

The initial version of the OptiCAL hardware supported two readout modes ‘current’ and ‘voltage’. The device could be used to read luminance when in ‘current’ mode and ‘voltage’ when in voltage mode. Over the years there have been two revisions of the OptiCAL hardware, both no longer supported usage as a voltmeter, and thus the ‘voltage’ mode has become redundant. Since version 0.2 this interface no longer supports the ‘voltage’ mode, and the device will be put into ‘current’ mode at startup.

exception psychopy_crs.optical.NACKException[source]

raised when the OptiCAL sends a NACK byte to signify an error

class psychopy_crs.optical.OptiCAL(com_port, timeout=5)[source]

Object to access the OptiCAL


the luminance in cd/m**2

exception psychopy_crs.optical.OptiCALException[source]

base exception for all OptiCAL exceptions

exception psychopy_crs.optical.TimeoutException[source]

raised when the OptiCAL does not respond within the timeout limit

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