
 * Image Stimulus.
 * @author Alain Pitiot
 * @version 2021.2.3
 * @copyright (c) 2017-2020 Ilixa Ltd. ( (c) 2020-2021 Open Science Tools Ltd. (
 * @license Distributed under the terms of the MIT License

import * as PIXI from "pixi.js-legacy";
import { Color } from "../util/Color.js";
import { ColorMixin } from "../util/ColorMixin.js";
import { to_pixiPoint } from "../util/Pixi.js";
import * as util from "../util/Util.js";
import { VisualStim } from "./VisualStim.js";
import {Camera} from "../hardware";

 * Image Stimulus.
 * @extends VisualStim
 * @mixes ColorMixin
export class ImageStim extends util.mix(VisualStim).with(ColorMixin)
	 * @memberOf module:visual
	 * @param {Object} options
	 * @param {String} - the name used when logging messages from this stimulus
	 * @param {Window} - the associated Window
	 * @param {string | HTMLImageElement} options.image - the name of the image resource or the HTMLImageElement corresponding to the image
	 * @param {string | HTMLImageElement} options.mask - the name of the mask resource or HTMLImageElement corresponding to the mask
	 * @param {string} [options.units= "norm"] - the units of the stimulus (e.g. for size, position, vertices)
	 * @param {Array.<number>} [options.pos= [0, 0]] - the position of the center of the stimulus
	 * @param {string} [options.units= 'norm'] - the units of the stimulus vertices, size and position
	 * @param {number} [options.ori= 0.0] - the orientation (in degrees)
	 * @param {number} [options.size] - the size of the rendered image (the size of the image will be used if size is not specified)
	 * @param {Color} [options.color= 'white'] the background color
	 * @param {number} [options.opacity= 1.0] - the opacity
	 * @param {number} [options.contrast= 1.0] - the contrast
	 * @param {number} [options.depth= 0] - the depth (i.e. the z order)
	 * @param {number} [options.texRes= 128] - the resolution of the text
	 * @param {boolean} [options.interpolate= false] - whether or not the image is interpolated
	 * @param {boolean} [options.flipHoriz= false] - whether or not to flip horizontally
	 * @param {boolean} [options.flipVert= false] - whether or not to flip vertically
	 * @param {boolean} [options.autoDraw= false] - whether or not the stimulus should be automatically drawn on every frame flip
	 * @param {boolean} [options.autoLog= false] - whether or not to log
	constructor({ name, win, image, mask, pos, units, ori, size, color, opacity, contrast, texRes, depth, interpolate, flipHoriz, flipVert, autoDraw, autoLog } = {})
		super({ name, win, units, ori, opacity, depth, pos, size, autoDraw, autoLog });

			this._onChange(true, false),
			this._onChange(true, false),
			this._onChange(true, false),
			this._onChange(false, false),
			this._onChange(false, false),

		// estimate the bounding box:

		if (this._autoLog)
			this._psychoJS.experimentLogger.exp(`Created ${} = ${this.toString()}`);

	 * Setter for the image attribute.
	 * @param {HTMLImageElement | string} image - the name of the image resource or HTMLImageElement corresponding to the image
	 * @param {boolean} [log= false] - whether of not to log
	setImage(image, log = false)
		const response = {
			origin: "ImageStim.setImage",
			context: "when setting the image of ImageStim: " + this._name,

			// image is undefined: that's fine but we raise a warning in case this is a symptom of an actual problem
			if (typeof image === "undefined")
				this.psychoJS.logger.warn("setting the image of ImageStim: " + this._name + " with argument: undefined.");
				this.psychoJS.logger.debug("set the image of ImageStim: " + this._name + " as: undefined");
				// image is a string: it should be the name of a resource, which we load
				if (typeof image === "string")
					image = this.psychoJS.serverManager.getResource(image);

				if (image instanceof Camera)
					const video = image.getVideo();
					// TODO remove previous one if there is one
					// document.body.appendChild(video);
					image = video;

				// image should now be either an HTMLImageElement or an HTMLVideoElement:
				if (image instanceof HTMLImageElement)
					this.psychoJS.logger.debug("set the image of ImageStim: " + this._name + " as: src= " + image.src + ", size= " + image.width + "x" + image.height);
				else if (image instanceof HTMLVideoElement)
					this.psychoJS.logger.debug(`set the image of ImageStim: ${this._name} as: src= ${image.src}, size= ${image.videoWidth}x${image.videoHeight}, duration= ${image.duration}s`);
					throw "the argument: " + image.toString() + ' is neither an image nor a video" }';

			const existingImage = this.getImage();
			const hasChanged = existingImage ? existingImage.src !== image.src : true;

			this._setAttribute("image", image, log);

			if (hasChanged)
				this._onChange(true, true)();
		catch (error)
			throw Object.assign(response, { error });

	 * Setter for the mask attribute.
	 * @param {HTMLImageElement | string} mask - the name of the mask resource or HTMLImageElement corresponding to the mask
	 * @param {boolean} [log= false] - whether of not to log
	setMask(mask, log = false)
		const response = {
			origin: "ImageStim.setMask",
			context: "when setting the mask of ImageStim: " + this._name,

			// mask is undefined: that's fine but we raise a warning in case this is a sympton of an actual problem
			if (typeof mask === "undefined")
				this.psychoJS.logger.warn("setting the mask of ImageStim: " + this._name + " with argument: undefined.");
				this.psychoJS.logger.debug("set the mask of ImageStim: " + this._name + " as: undefined");
				// mask is a string: it should be the name of a resource, which we load
				if (typeof mask === "string")
					mask = this.psychoJS.serverManager.getResource(mask);

				// mask should now be an actual HTMLImageElement: we raise an error if it is not
				if (!(mask instanceof HTMLImageElement))
					throw "the argument: " + mask.toString() + ' is not an image" }';

				this.psychoJS.logger.debug("set the mask of ImageStim: " + this._name + " as: src= " + mask.src + ", size= " + mask.width + "x" + mask.height);

			this._setAttribute("mask", mask, log);

			this._onChange(true, false)();
		catch (error)
			throw Object.assign(response, { error });

	 * Whether to interpolate (linearly) the texture in the stimulus.
	 * @param {boolean} interpolate - interpolate or not.
	 * @param {boolean} [log=false] - whether or not to log
	setInterpolate (interpolate = false, log = false) {
		this._setAttribute("interpolate", interpolate, log);
		if (this._pixi instanceof PIXI.Sprite) {
			this._pixi.texture.baseTexture.scaleMode = interpolate ? PIXI.SCALE_MODES.LINEAR : PIXI.SCALE_MODES.NEAREST;

	 * Estimate the bounding box.
	 * @override
	 * @protected
		const size = this._getDisplaySize();
		if (typeof size !== "undefined")
			this._boundingBox = new PIXI.Rectangle(
				this._pos[0] - size[0] / 2,
				this._pos[1] - size[1] / 2,

		// TODO take the orientation into account

	 * Update the stimulus, if necessary.
	 * @protected
		if (!this._needUpdate)
		this._needUpdate = false;

		// update the PIXI representation, if need be:
		if (this._needPixiUpdate)
			this._needPixiUpdate = false;

			if (typeof this._pixi !== "undefined")
			this._pixi = undefined;

			// no image to draw: return immediately
			if (typeof this._image === "undefined")

			// deal with both static images and videos:
			if (this._image instanceof HTMLImageElement)
				// Not using PIXI.Texture.from() on purpose, as it caches both PIXI.Texture and PIXI.BaseTexture.
				// As a result of that we can have multiple ImageStim instances using same PIXI.BaseTexture,
				// thus changing texture related properties like interpolation, or calling _pixi.destroy(true)
				// will affect all ImageStims who happen to share that BaseTexture.
				const texOpts =
					scaleMode: this._interpolate ? PIXI.SCALE_MODES.LINEAR : PIXI.SCALE_MODES.NEAREST
				this._texture = new PIXI.Texture(new PIXI.BaseTexture(this._image, texOpts));
			else if (this._image instanceof HTMLVideoElement)
				const texOpts =
					resourceOptions: { autoPlay: true },
					scaleMode: this._interpolate ? PIXI.SCALE_MODES.LINEAR : PIXI.SCALE_MODES.NEAREST
				this._texture = new PIXI.Texture(new PIXI.BaseTexture(this._image, texOpts));

			this._pixi = PIXI.Sprite.from(this._texture);

			// add a mask if need be:
			if (typeof this._mask !== "undefined")
				// Building new PIXI.BaseTexture each time we create a mask. See notes on this._texture creation above.
				this._pixi.mask = PIXI.Sprite.from(new PIXI.Texture(new PIXI.BaseTexture(this._mask)));

				// a 0.5, 0.5 anchor is required for the mask to be aligned with the image
				this._pixi.mask.anchor.x = 0.5;
				this._pixi.mask.anchor.y = 0.5;


			// since _texture.width may not be immediately available but the rest of the code needs its value
			// we arrange for repeated calls to _updateIfNeeded until we have a width:
			if (this._texture.width === 0)
				this._needUpdate = true;
				this._needPixiUpdate = true;

			// const colorFilter = new PIXI.filters.ColorMatrixFilter();
			// colorFilter.matrix[0] = 2;
			// colorFilter.matrix[6] = 1;
			// colorFilter.matrix[12] = 1;
			// // colorFilter.alpha = 1;
			// colorFilter.blendMode = PIXI.BLEND_MODES.MULTIPLY;
			// console.log(colorFilter.matrix);
			// this._pixi.filters = [colorFilter];

		this._pixi.zIndex = -this._depth;
		this._pixi.alpha = this.opacity;

		// set the scale:
		const displaySize = this._getDisplaySize();
		const size_px = util.to_px(displaySize, this.units,;
		const scaleX = size_px[0] / this._texture.width;
		const scaleY = size_px[1] / this._texture.height;
		this._pixi.scale.x = this.flipHoriz ? -scaleX : scaleX;
		this._pixi.scale.y = this.flipVert ? scaleY : -scaleY;

		// set the position, rotation, and anchor (image centered on pos):
		this._pixi.position = to_pixiPoint(this.pos, this.units,;
		this._pixi.rotation = -this.ori * Math.PI / 180;
		this._pixi.anchor.x = 0.5;
		this._pixi.anchor.y = 0.5;

		// re-estimate the bounding box, as the texture's width may now be available:

	 * Get the size of the display image, which is either that of the ImageStim or that of the image
	 * it contains.
	 * @protected
	 * @return {number[]} the size of the displayed image
		let displaySize = this.size;

		if (typeof displaySize === "undefined")
			// use the size of the texture, if we have access to it:
			if (typeof this._texture !== "undefined" && this._texture.width > 0)
				const textureSize = [this._texture.width, this._texture.height];
				displaySize = util.to_unit(textureSize, "pix",, this.units);

		return displaySize;