/** @module sound */
* Sound stimulus.
* @author Alain Pitiot
* @version 2022.2.3
* @copyright (c) 2017-2020 Ilixa Ltd. (http://ilixa.com) (c) 2020-2022 Open Science Tools Ltd. (https://opensciencetools.org)
* @license Distributed under the terms of the MIT License
import { PsychoJS } from "../core/PsychoJS.js";
import { PsychObject } from "../util/PsychObject.js";
import { AudioClipPlayer } from "./AudioClipPlayer.js";
import { TonePlayer } from "./TonePlayer.js";
import { TrackPlayer } from "./TrackPlayer.js";
* <p>This class handles sound playing (tones and tracks)</p>
* <ul>
* <li> If value is a number then a tone will be generated at that frequency in Hz.</li>
* <li> It value is a string, it must either be a note in the PsychoPy format (e.g 'A', 'Bfl', 'B', 'C', 'Csh'), in which case an octave must also be given, or the name of the resource track.</li>
* </ul>
* <p> Note: the PsychoPy hamming parameter has not been implemented yet. It might be rather tricky to do so using
* Tone.js</p>
* @example
* [...]
* const track = new Sound({
* win: psychoJS.window,
* value: 440,
* secs: 0.5
* });
* track.setVolume(1.0);
* track.play(2);
* @extends PsychObject
export class Sound extends PsychObject
* @param {Object} options
* @param {String} options.name - the name used when logging messages from this stimulus
* @param {module:core.Window} options.win - the associated Window
* @param {number|string} [options.value= 'C'] - the sound value (see above for a full description)
* @param {number} [options.octave= 4] - the octave corresponding to the tone (if applicable)
* @param {number} [options.secs= 0.5] - duration of the tone (in seconds) If secs == -1, the sound will play indefinitely.
* @param {number} [options.startTime= 0] - start of playback for tracks (in seconds)
* @param {number} [options.stopTime= -1] - end of playback for tracks (in seconds)
* @param {boolean} [options.stereo= true] whether or not to play the sound or track in stereo
* @param {number} [options.volume= 1.0] - volume of the sound (must be between 0 and 1.0)
* @param {number} [options.loops= 0] - how many times to repeat the track or tone after it has played once. If loops == -1, the track or tone will repeat indefinitely until stopped.
* @param {boolean} [options.autoLog= true] whether or not to log
value = "C",
octave = 4,
secs = 0.5,
startTime = 0,
stopTime = -1,
stereo = true,
volume = 1.0,
loops = 0,
// hamming = true,
autoLog = true,
} = {})
super(win._psychoJS, name);
// the SoundPlayer, e.g. TonePlayer:
this._player = undefined;
this._addAttribute("win", win);
this._addAttribute("value", value);
this._addAttribute("octave", octave);
this._addAttribute("secs", secs);
this._addAttribute("startTime", startTime);
this._addAttribute("stopTime", stopTime);
this._addAttribute("stereo", stereo);
this._addAttribute("volume", volume);
this._addAttribute("loops", loops);
this._addAttribute("autoLog", autoLog);
// identify an appropriate player:
this.status = PsychoJS.Status.NOT_STARTED;
* Start playing the sound.
* <p> Note: Sounds are played independently from the stimuli of the experiments, i.e. the experiment will not stop until the sound is finished playing.
* Repeat calls to play may results in the sounds being played on top of each other.</p>
* @param {number} loops how many times to repeat the sound after it plays once. If loops == -1, the sound will repeat indefinitely until stopped.
* @param {boolean} [log= true] whether or not to log
play(loops, log = true)
this.status = PsychoJS.Status.STARTED;
* Stop playing the sound immediately.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {boolean} [options.log= true] - whether or not to log
log = true,
} = {})
this.status = PsychoJS.Status.STOPPED;
* Get the duration of the sound, in seconds.
* @return {number} the duration of the sound, in seconds
return this._player.getDuration();
* Set the playing volume of the sound.
* @param {number} volume - the volume (values should be between 0 and 1)
* @param {boolean} [mute= false] - whether or not to mute the sound
* @param {boolean} [log= true] - whether of not to log
setVolume(volume, mute = false, log = true)
this._setAttribute("volume", volume, log);
if (typeof this._player !== "undefined")
this._player.setVolume(volume, mute);
* Set the sound value on demand past initialisation.
* @param {object} sound - a sound instance to replace the current one
* @param {boolean} [log= true] - whether or not to log
setSound(sound, log = true)
if (sound instanceof Sound)
this._setAttribute("value", sound.value, log);
if (typeof this._player !== "undefined")
this._player = this._player.constructor.accept(this);
// Be fluent?
return this;
throw {
origin: "Sound.setSound",
context: "when replacing the current sound",
error: "invalid input, need an instance of the Sound class.",
* Set the number of loops.
* @param {number} [loops=0] - how many times to repeat the sound after it has played once. If loops == -1, the sound will repeat indefinitely until stopped.
* @param {boolean} [log=true] - whether of not to log
setLoops(loops = 0, log = true)
this._setAttribute("loops", loops, log);
if (typeof this._player !== "undefined")
* Set the duration (in seconds)
* @param {number} [secs=0.5] - duration of the tone (in seconds) If secs == -1, the sound will play indefinitely.
* @param {boolean} [log=true] - whether or not to log
setSecs(secs = 0.5, log = true)
this._setAttribute("secs", secs, log);
if (typeof this._player !== "undefined")
* Identify the appropriate player for the sound.
* @protected
* @return {SoundPlayer} the appropriate SoundPlayer
* @throws {Object.<string, *>} exception if no appropriate SoundPlayer could be found for the sound
const acceptFns = [
(sound) => TonePlayer.accept(sound),
(sound) => TrackPlayer.accept(sound),
(sound) => AudioClipPlayer.accept(sound),
for (const acceptFn of acceptFns)
this._player = acceptFn(this);
if (typeof this._player !== "undefined")
return this._player;
throw {
origin: "SoundPlayer._getPlayer",
context: "when finding a player for the sound",
error: "could not find an appropriate player.",