* Experiment Handler
* @author Alain Pitiot
* @version 2022.2.3
* @copyright (c) 2017-2020 Ilixa Ltd. (http://ilixa.com) (c) 2020-2022 Open Science Tools Ltd. (https://opensciencetools.org)
* @license Distributed under the terms of the MIT License
import * as XLSX from "xlsx";
import { MonotonicClock } from "../util/Clock.js";
import { PsychObject } from "../util/PsychObject.js";
import * as util from "../util/Util.js";
* <p>An ExperimentHandler keeps track of multiple loops and handlers. It is particularly useful
* for generating a single data file from an experiment with many different loops (e.g. interleaved
* staircases or loops within loops.</p>
* @extends PsychObject
export class ExperimentHandler extends PsychObject
* Getter for experimentEnded.
get experimentEnded()
return this._experimentEnded;
* Setter for experimentEnded.
set experimentEnded(ended)
this._experimentEnded = ended;
* Legacy experiment getters.
get _thisEntry()
return this._currentTrialData;
get _entries()
return this._trialsData;
* @memberof module:data
* @param {Object} options
* @param {module:core.PsychoJS} options.psychoJS - the PsychoJS instance
* @param {string} options.name - name of the experiment
* @param {Object} options.extraInfo - additional information, such as session name, participant name, etc.
} = {})
super(psychoJS, name);
this._addAttribute("extraInfo", extraInfo);
// process the extra info:
this._experimentName = (typeof extraInfo.expName === "string" && extraInfo.expName.length > 0)
? extraInfo.expName
: this.psychoJS.config.experiment.name;
this._participant = (typeof extraInfo.participant === "string" && extraInfo.participant.length > 0)
? extraInfo.participant
this._session = (typeof extraInfo.session === "string" && extraInfo.session.length > 0)
? extraInfo.session
this._datetime = (typeof extraInfo.date !== "undefined")
? extraInfo.date
: MonotonicClock.getDateStr();
// loop handlers:
this._loops = [];
this._unfinishedLoops = [];
// data dictionaries (one per trial) and current data dictionary:
this._trialsKeys = [];
this._trialsData = [];
this._currentTrialData = {};
this._experimentEnded = false;
* Whether or not the current entry (i.e. trial data) is empty.
* <p>Note: this is mostly useful at the end of an experiment, in order to ensure that the last entry is saved.</p>
* @returns {boolean} whether or not the current entry is empty
* @todo This really should be renamed: IsCurrentEntryNotEmpty
return (Object.keys(this._currentTrialData).length > 0);
* Add a loop.
* <p> The loop might be a {@link TrialHandler}, for instance.</p>
* <p> Data from this loop will be included in the resulting data files.</p>
* @param {Object} loop - the loop, e.g. an instance of TrialHandler or StairHandler
loop.experimentHandler = this;
* Remove the given loop from the list of unfinished loops, e.g. when it has completed.
* @param {Object} loop - the loop, e.g. an instance of TrialHandler or StairHandler
const index = this._unfinishedLoops.indexOf(loop);
if (index !== -1)
this._unfinishedLoops.splice(index, 1);
* Add the key/value pair.
* <p> Multiple key/value pairs can be added to any given entry of the data file. There are
* considered part of the same entry until a call to {@link nextEntry} is made. </p>
* @param {Object} key - the key
* @param {Object} value - the value
addData(key, value)
if (this._trialsKeys.indexOf(key) === -1)
// turn arrays into their json equivalent:
if (Array.isArray(value))
value = JSON.stringify(value);
this._currentTrialData[key] = value;
* Inform this ExperimentHandler that the current trial has ended. Further calls to {@link addData}
* will be associated with the next trial.
* @param {Object | Object[] | undefined} snapshots - array of loop snapshots
if (typeof snapshots !== "undefined")
// turn single snapshot into a one-element array:
if (!Array.isArray(snapshots))
snapshots = [snapshots];
for (const snapshot of snapshots)
const attributes = ExperimentHandler._getLoopAttributes(snapshot);
for (let a in attributes)
if (attributes.hasOwnProperty(a))
this._currentTrialData[a] = attributes[a];
// this is to support legacy generated JavaScript code and does not properly handle
// loops within loops:
for (const loop of this._unfinishedLoops)
const attributes = ExperimentHandler._getLoopAttributes(loop);
for (const a in attributes)
if (attributes.hasOwnProperty(a))
this._currentTrialData[a] = attributes[a];
// add the extraInfo dict to the data:
for (let a in this.extraInfo)
if (this.extraInfo.hasOwnProperty(a))
this._currentTrialData[a] = this.extraInfo[a];
this._currentTrialData = {};
* Save the results of the experiment.
* <ul>
* <li>For an experiment running locally, the results are offered for immediate download.</li>
* <li>For an experiment running on the server, the results are uploaded to the server.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Array.<Object>} [options.attributes] - the attributes to be saved
* @param {boolean} [options.sync=false] - whether or not to communicate with the server in a synchronous manner
* @param {string} [options.tag=''] - an optional tag to add to the filename to which the data is saved (for CSV and XLSX saving options)
* @param {boolean} [options.clear=false] - whether or not to clear all experiment results immediately after they are saved (this is useful when saving data in separate chunks, throughout an experiment)
async save({
attributes = [],
sync = false,
tag = "",
clear = false
} = {})
this._psychoJS.logger.info("[PsychoJS] Save experiment results.");
// get attributes:
if (attributes.length === 0)
attributes = this._trialsKeys.slice();
for (let l = 0; l < this._loops.length; l++)
const loop = this._loops[l];
const loopAttributes = ExperimentHandler._getLoopAttributes(loop);
for (let a in loopAttributes)
if (loopAttributes.hasOwnProperty(a))
for (let a in this.extraInfo)
if (this.extraInfo.hasOwnProperty(a))
let data = this._trialsData;
// if the experiment data have to be cleared, we first make a copy of them:
if (clear)
data = this._trialsData.slice();
this._trialsData = [];
// save to a .csv file:
if (this._psychoJS.config.experiment.saveFormat === ExperimentHandler.SaveFormat.CSV)
// note: we use the XLSX library as it automatically deals with header, takes care of quotes,
// newlines, etc.
// TODO only save the given attributes
const worksheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(data);
// prepend BOM
const csv = "\ufeff" + XLSX.utils.sheet_to_csv(worksheet);
// upload data to the pavlovia server or offer them for download:
const filenameWithoutPath = this._dataFileName.split(/[\\/]/).pop();
const key = `${filenameWithoutPath}${tag}.csv`;
if (
this._psychoJS.getEnvironment() === ExperimentHandler.Environment.SERVER
&& this._psychoJS.config.experiment.status === "RUNNING"
&& !this._psychoJS._serverMsg.has("__pilotToken")
return /*await*/ this._psychoJS.serverManager.uploadData(key, csv, sync);
util.offerDataForDownload(key, csv, "text/csv");
// save to the database on the pavlovia server:
else if (this._psychoJS.config.experiment.saveFormat === ExperimentHandler.SaveFormat.DATABASE)
const gitlabConfig = this._psychoJS.config.gitlab;
const __projectId = (typeof gitlabConfig !== "undefined" && typeof gitlabConfig.projectId !== "undefined") ? gitlabConfig.projectId : undefined;
let documents = [];
for (let r = 0; r < data.length; r++)
let doc = {
__experimentName: this._experimentName,
__participant: this._participant,
__session: this._session,
__datetime: this._datetime
for (let h = 0; h < attributes.length; h++)
doc[attributes[h]] = data[r][attributes[h]];
// upload data to the pavlovia server or offer them for download:
if (
this._psychoJS.getEnvironment() === ExperimentHandler.Environment.SERVER
&& this._psychoJS.config.experiment.status === "RUNNING"
&& !this._psychoJS._serverMsg.has("__pilotToken")
const key = "results"; // name of the mongoDB collection
return /*await*/ this._psychoJS.serverManager.uploadData(key, JSON.stringify(documents), sync);
util.offerDataForDownload("results.json", JSON.stringify(documents), "application/json");
* Get the attribute names and values for the current trial of a given loop.
* <p> Only info relating to the trial execution are returned.</p>
* @protected
* @param {Object} loop - the loop
static _getLoopAttributes(loop)
// standard trial attributes:
const properties = ["thisRepN", "thisTrialN", "thisN", "thisIndex", "stepSizeCurrent", "ran", "order"];
let attributes = {};
const loopName = loop.name;
for (const loopProperty in loop)
if (properties.includes(loopProperty))
const key = (loopProperty === "stepSizeCurrent") ? loopName + ".stepSize" : loopName + "." + loopProperty;
attributes[key] = loop[loopProperty];
// specific trial attributes:
if (typeof loop.getCurrentTrial === "function")
const currentTrial = loop.getCurrentTrial();
for (const trialProperty in currentTrial)
attributes[trialProperty] = currentTrial[trialProperty];
// method of constants
if hasattr(loop, 'thisTrial'):
trial = loop.thisTrial
if hasattr(trial,'items'):#is a TrialList object or a simple dict
for property,val in trial.items():
if property not in self._paramNamesSoFar:
elif trial==[]:#we haven't had 1st trial yet? Not actually sure why this occasionally happens (JWP)
// single StairHandler
elif hasattr(loop, 'intensities'):
if len(loop.intensities)>0:
return attributes;
* Experiment result format
* @enum {Symbol}
* @readonly
ExperimentHandler.SaveFormat = {
* Results are saved to a .csv file
CSV: Symbol.for("CSV"),
* Results are saved to a database
* Experiment environment.
* @enum {Symbol}
* @readonly
ExperimentHandler.Environment = {
SERVER: Symbol.for("SERVER"),
LOCAL: Symbol.for("LOCAL"),