* Window responsible for displaying the experiment stimuli
* @author Alain Pitiot
* @version 2022.2.3
* @copyright (c) 2017-2020 Ilixa Ltd. (http://ilixa.com) (c) 2020-2022 Open Science Tools Ltd. (https://opensciencetools.org)
* @license Distributed under the terms of the MIT License
import * as PIXI from "pixi.js-legacy";
import {AdjustmentFilter} from "@pixi/filter-adjustment";
import { MonotonicClock } from "../util/Clock.js";
import { Color } from "../util/Color.js";
import { PsychObject } from "../util/PsychObject.js";
import { Logger } from "./Logger.js";
* <p>Window displays the various stimuli of the experiment.</p>
* <p>It sets up a [PIXI]{@link http://www.pixijs.com/} renderer, which we use to render the experiment stimuli.</p>
* @extends PsychObject
export class Window extends PsychObject
* Getter for monitorFramePeriod.
* @name module:core.Window#monitorFramePeriod
* @function
* @public
get monitorFramePeriod()
return 1.0 / this.getActualFrameRate();
* @memberof module:core
* @param {Object} options
* @param {module:core.PsychoJS} options.psychoJS - the PsychoJS instance
* @param {string} [options.name] the name of the window
* @param {boolean} [options.fullscr= false] whether or not to go fullscreen
* @param {Color} [options.color= Color('black')] the background color of the window
* @param {number} [options.gamma= 1] sets the divisor for gamma correction. In other words gamma correction is calculated as pow(rgb, 1/gamma)
* @param {number} [options.contrast= 1] sets the contrast value
* @param {string} [options.units= 'pix'] the units of the window
* @param {boolean} [options.waitBlanking= false] whether or not to wait for all rendering operations to be done
* before flipping
* @param {boolean} [options.autoLog= true] whether or not to log
fullscr = false,
color = new Color("black"),
gamma = 1,
contrast = 1,
units = "pix",
waitBlanking = false,
autoLog = true,
} = {})
super(psychoJS, name);
// messages to be logged at the next "flip":
this._msgToBeLogged = [];
// storing AdjustmentFilter instance to access later;
this._adjustmentFilter = new AdjustmentFilter({
// list of all elements, in the order they are currently drawn:
this._drawList = [];
this._addAttribute("fullscr", fullscr);
this._addAttribute("color", color, new Color("black"), () => {
if (this._backgroundSprite) {
this._backgroundSprite.tint = this._color.int;
this._addAttribute("gamma", gamma, 1, () => {
this._adjustmentFilter.gamma = this._gamma;
this._addAttribute("contrast", contrast, 1, () => {
this._adjustmentFilter.contrast = this._contrast;
this._addAttribute("units", units);
this._addAttribute("waitBlanking", waitBlanking);
this._addAttribute("autoLog", autoLog);
this._addAttribute("size", []);
// setup PIXI:
this._frameCount = 0;
this._flipCallbacks = [];
// fullscreen listener:
this._windowAlreadyInFullScreen = false;
const self = this;
document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", (event) =>
self._windowAlreadyInFullScreen = !!document.fullscreenElement;
console.log("windowAlreadyInFullScreen:", self._windowAlreadyInFullScreen);
// the Window and all of the stimuli need to be updated:
self._needUpdate = true;
for (const stimulus of self._drawList)
stimulus._needUpdate = true;
if (this._autoLog)
this._psychoJS.experimentLogger.exp(`Created ${this.name} = ${this.toString()}`);
* Close the window.
* <p> Note: this actually only removes the canvas used to render the experiment stimuli.</p>
if (!this._renderer)
if (document.body.contains(this._renderer.view))
// destroy the renderer and the WebGL context:
if (typeof this._renderer.gl !== "undefined")
const extension = this._renderer.gl.getExtension("WEBGL_lose_context");
window.removeEventListener("resize", this._resizeCallback);
window.removeEventListener("orientationchange", this._resizeCallback);
this._renderer = null;
* Estimate the frame rate.
* @return {number} rAF based delta time based approximation, 60.0 by default
// gets updated frame by frame
const lastDelta = this.psychoJS.scheduler._lastDelta;
const fps = lastDelta === 0 ? 60.0 : 1000 / lastDelta;
return fps;
* Take the browser full screen if possible.
// (!window.screenTop && !window.screenY) does not work in all browsers on all operating systems (e.g. Chrome on
// Windows). As far as I can ascertain, as of 2019.08.01 there still does not seem to be a reliable way to
// test whether the window is already fullscreen.
// this._windowAlreadyInFullScreen = (!window.screenTop && !window.screenY);
if (this.fullscr /* && !this._windowAlreadyInFullScreen*/)
this._psychoJS.logger.debug("Resizing Window: ", this._name, "to full screen.");
if (typeof document.documentElement.requestFullscreen === "function")
.catch(() =>
this.psychoJS.logger.warn("Unable to go fullscreen.");
else if (typeof document.documentElement.mozRequestFullScreen === "function")
else if (typeof document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullscreen === "function")
else if (typeof document.documentElement.msRequestFullscreen === "function")
this.psychoJS.logger.warn("Unable to go fullscreen.");
* Take the browser back from full screen if needed.
if (this.fullscr)
this._psychoJS.logger.debug("Resizing Window: ", this._name, "back from full screen.");
if (typeof document.exitFullscreen === "function")
.catch(() =>
this.psychoJS.logger.warn("Unable to close fullscreen.");
else if (typeof document.mozCancelFullScreen === "function")
else if (typeof document.webkitExitFullscreen === "function")
else if (typeof document.msExitFullscreen === "function")
this.psychoJS.logger.warn("Unable to close fullscreen.");
* Log a message.
* <p> Note: the message will be time-stamped at the next call to requestAnimationFrame.</p>
* @param {Object} options
* @param {String} options.msg the message to be logged
* @param {module:util.Logger.ServerLevel} [level = module:util.Logger.ServerLevel.EXP] the log level
* @param {Object} [obj] the object associated with the message
level = Logger.ServerLevel.EXP,
} = {})
this._msgToBeLogged.push({ msg, level, obj });
* Callback function for callOnFlip.
* @callback module:core.Window~OnFlipCallback
* @param {*} [args] optional arguments
* Add a callback function that will run after the next screen flip, i.e. immediately after the next rendering of the
* Window.
* <p>This is typically used to reset a timer or clock.</p>
* @param {module:core.Window~OnFlipCallback} flipCallback - callback function.
* @param {...*} flipCallbackArgs - arguments for the callback function.
callOnFlip(flipCallback, ...flipCallbackArgs)
this._flipCallbacks.push({ function: flipCallback, arguments: flipCallbackArgs });
* Add PIXI.DisplayObject to the container displayed on the scene (window)
* Remove PIXI.DisplayObject from the container displayed on the scene (window)
* Render the stimuli onto the canvas.
if (!this._renderer)
// render the PIXI container:
if (typeof this._renderer.gl !== "undefined")
// this is to make sure that the GPU is done rendering, it may not be necessary
// [http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/27849-detect-when-view-has-been-rendered/]
this._renderer.gl.readPixels(0, 0, 1, 1, this._renderer.gl.RGBA, this._renderer.gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, new Uint8Array(4));
// blocks execution until the rendering is fully done:
if (this._waitBlanking)
// call the callOnFlip functions and remove them:
for (let callback of this._flipCallbacks)
this._flipCallbacks = [];
// log:
// prepare the scene for the next animation frame:
* Update this window, if need be.
* @protected
if (this._needUpdate)
if (this._renderer)
this._renderer.backgroundColor = this._color.int;
this._backgroundSprite.tint = this._color.int;
// we also change the background color of the body since
// the dialog popup may be longer than the window's height:
document.body.style.backgroundColor = this._color.hex;
this._needUpdate = false;
* Recompute this window's draw list and _container children for the next animation frame.
* @protected
// if a stimuli needs to be updated, we remove it from the window container,
// update it, then put it back
for (const stimulus of this._drawList)
if (stimulus._needUpdate && typeof stimulus._pixi !== "undefined")
* Force an update of all stimuli in this window's drawlist.
* @protected
this._needUpdate = true;
for (const stimulus of this._drawList)
* Setup PIXI.
* <p>A new renderer is created and a container is added to it. The renderer's touch and mouse events
* are handled by the {@link EventManager}.</p>
* @protected
// the size of the PsychoJS Window is always that of the browser
this._size[0] = window.innerWidth;
this._size[1] = window.innerHeight;
// create a PIXI renderer and add it to the document:
this._renderer = PIXI.autoDetectRenderer({
width: this._size[0],
height: this._size[1],
backgroundColor: this.color.int,
powerPreference: "high-performance",
resolution: window.devicePixelRatio,
this._renderer.view.style.transform = "translatez(0)";
this._renderer.view.style.position = "absolute";
// we also change the background color of the body since the dialog popup may be longer than the window's height:
document.body.style.backgroundColor = this._color.hex;
// filters in PIXI work in a slightly unexpected fashion:
// when setting this._rootContainer.filters, filtering itself
// ignores backgroundColor of this._renderer and in addition to that
// all child elements of this._rootContainer ignore backgroundColor when blending.
// To circumvent that creating a separate PIXI.Sprite that serves as background color.
// Then placing all Stims to a separate this._stimsContainer which hovers on top of
// background sprite so that if we need to move all stims at once, the background sprite
// won't get affected.
this._backgroundSprite = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.Texture.WHITE);
this._backgroundSprite.tint = this.color.int;
this._backgroundSprite.width = this._size[0];
this._backgroundSprite.height = this._size[1];
this._stimsContainer = new PIXI.Container();
this._stimsContainer.sortableChildren = true;
// create a top-level PIXI container:
this._rootContainer = new PIXI.Container();
this._rootContainer.addChild(this._backgroundSprite, this._stimsContainer);
// sorts children according to their zIndex value. Higher zIndex means it will be moved towards the end of the array,
// and thus rendered on top of previous one.
this._rootContainer.sortableChildren = true;
this._rootContainer.interactive = true;
this._rootContainer.filters = [this._adjustmentFilter];
// set the initial size of the PIXI renderer and the position of the root container:
// touch/mouse events are treated by PsychoJS' event manager:
// update the renderer size and the Window's stimuli whenever the browser's size or orientation change:
this._resizeCallback = (e) =>
Window._resizePixiRenderer(this, e);
this._backgroundSprite.width = this._size[0];
this._backgroundSprite.height = this._size[1];
window.addEventListener("resize", this._resizeCallback);
window.addEventListener("orientationchange", this._resizeCallback);
* Adjust the size of the renderer and the position of the root container
* in response to a change in the browser's size.
* @protected
* @param {module:core.Window} pjsWindow - the PsychoJS Window
* @param event
static _resizePixiRenderer(pjsWindow, event)
pjsWindow._psychoJS.logger.debug("resizing Window: ", pjsWindow._name, "event:", JSON.stringify(event));
// update the size of the PsychoJS Window:
pjsWindow._size[0] = window.innerWidth;
pjsWindow._size[1] = window.innerHeight;
// update the PIXI renderer:
pjsWindow._renderer.view.style.width = pjsWindow._size[0] + "px";
pjsWindow._renderer.view.style.height = pjsWindow._size[1] + "px";
pjsWindow._renderer.view.style.left = "0px";
pjsWindow._renderer.view.style.top = "0px";
pjsWindow._renderer.resize(pjsWindow._size[0], pjsWindow._size[1]);
// setup the container such that (0,0) is at the centre of the window
// with positive coordinates to the right and top:
pjsWindow._rootContainer.position.x = pjsWindow._size[0] / 2.0;
pjsWindow._rootContainer.position.y = pjsWindow._size[1] / 2.0;
pjsWindow._rootContainer.scale.y = -1;
* Send all logged messages to the {@link Logger}.
* @protected
const logTime = MonotonicClock.getReferenceTime();
for (const entry of this._msgToBeLogged)
this._psychoJS.experimentLogger.log(entry.msg, entry.level, logTime, entry.obj);
this._msgToBeLogged = [];