* Manager responsible for the communication between the experiment running in the participant's browser and the pavlovia.org server.
* @author Alain Pitiot
* @version 2022.2.3
* @copyright (c) 2017-2020 Ilixa Ltd. (http://ilixa.com) (c) 2020-2022 Open Science Tools Ltd. (https://opensciencetools.org)
* @license Distributed under the terms of the MIT License
import { Howl } from "howler";
import { ExperimentHandler } from "../data/ExperimentHandler.js";
import { Clock, MonotonicClock } from "../util/Clock.js";
import { PsychObject } from "../util/PsychObject.js";
import * as util from "../util/Util.js";
import { Scheduler } from "../util/Scheduler.js";
import { PsychoJS } from "./PsychoJS.js";
* <p>This manager handles all communications between the experiment running in the participant's browser and the [pavlovia.org]{@link http://pavlovia.org} server, <em>in an asynchronous manner</em>.</p>
* <p>It is responsible for reading the configuration file of an experiment, for opening and closing a session, for listing and downloading resources, and for uploading results, logs, and audio recordings.</p>
* @extends PsychObject
export class ServerManager extends PsychObject
* Used to indicate to the ServerManager that all resources must be registered (and
* subsequently downloaded)
* @type {Symbol}
* @readonly
* @public
static ALL_RESOURCES = Symbol.for("ALL_RESOURCES");
* @memberof module:core
* @param {Object} options
* @param {module:core.PsychoJS} options.psychoJS - the PsychoJS instance
* @param {boolean} [options.autoLog= false] - whether or not to log
autoLog = false,
} = {})
// session:
this._session = {};
// resources is a map of <name: string, { path: string, status: ResourceStatus, data: any }>
this._resources = new Map();
this._nbLoadedResources = 0;
this._addAttribute("autoLog", autoLog);
this._addAttribute("status", ServerManager.Status.READY);
* @typedef ServerManager.GetConfigurationPromise
* @property {string} origin the calling method
* @property {string} context the context
* @property {Object.<string, *>} [config] the configuration
* @property {Object.<string, *>} [error] an error message if we could not read the configuration file
* Read the configuration file for the experiment.
* @param {string} configURL - the URL of the configuration file
* @returns {Promise<ServerManager.GetConfigurationPromise>} the response
const response = {
origin: "ServerManager.getConfiguration",
context: "when reading the configuration file: " + configURL,
this._psychoJS.logger.debug("reading the configuration file: " + configURL);
const self = this;
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) =>
const getResponse = await fetch(configURL, {
method: "GET",
mode: "cors",
cache: "no-cache",
credentials: "same-origin",
redirect: "follow",
referrerPolicy: "no-referrer"
if (getResponse.status === 404)
throw "the configuration file could not be found";
else if (getResponse.status !== 200)
throw `unable to read the configuration file: status= ${getResponse.status}`;
// the configuration file should be valid json:
const config = await getResponse.json();
resolve(Object.assign(response, { config }));
catch (error)
console.error("error:", error);
reject(Object.assign(response, { error }));
* @typedef ServerManager.OpenSessionPromise
* @property {string} origin the calling method
* @property {string} context the context
* @property {string} [token] the session token
* @property {Object.<string, *>} [error] an error message if we could not open the session
* Open a session for this experiment on the remote PsychoJS manager.
* @returns {Promise<ServerManager.OpenSessionPromise>} the response
const response = {
origin: "ServerManager.openSession",
context: "when opening a session for experiment: " + this._psychoJS.config.experiment.fullpath,
this._psychoJS.logger.debug("opening a session for experiment: " + this._psychoJS.config.experiment.fullpath);
// prepare a POST query:
let data = {};
if (this._psychoJS._serverMsg.has("__pilotToken"))
data.pilotToken = this._psychoJS._serverMsg.get("__pilotToken");
// query the server:
const self = this;
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) =>
const postResponse = await this._queryServerAPI(
const openSessionResponse = await postResponse.json();
if (postResponse.status !== 200)
throw ('error' in openSessionResponse) ? openSessionResponse.error : openSessionResponse;
if (!("token" in openSessionResponse))
throw "unexpected answer from the server: no token";
if (!("experiment" in openSessionResponse))
throw "unexpected answer from server: no experiment";
self._psychoJS.config.session = {
token: openSessionResponse.token,
status: "OPEN",
const experiment = openSessionResponse.experiment;
self._psychoJS.config.experiment.status = experiment.status2;
self._psychoJS.config.experiment.saveFormat = Symbol.for(experiment.saveFormat);
self._psychoJS.config.experiment.saveIncompleteResults = experiment.saveIncompleteResults;
self._psychoJS.config.experiment.license = experiment.license;
self._psychoJS.config.experiment.runMode = experiment.runMode;
// secret keys for various services, e.g. Google Speech API
if ("keys" in experiment)
self._psychoJS.config.experiment.keys = experiment.keys;
self._psychoJS.config.experiment.keys = [];
resolve({...response, token: openSessionResponse.token, status: openSessionResponse.status });
catch (error)
reject({...response, error});
* @typedef ServerManager.CloseSessionPromise
* @property {string} origin the calling method
* @property {string} context the context
* @property {Object.<string, *>} [error] an error message if we could not close the session (e.g. if it has not previously been opened)
* Close the session for this experiment on the remote PsychoJS manager.
* @param {boolean} [isCompleted= false] - whether or not the experiment was completed
* @param {boolean} [sync= false] - whether or not to communicate with the server in a synchronous manner
* @returns {Promise<ServerManager.CloseSessionPromise> | void} the response
async closeSession(isCompleted = false, sync = false)
const response = {
origin: "ServerManager.closeSession",
context: "when closing the session for experiment: " + this._psychoJS.config.experiment.fullpath,
this._psychoJS.logger.debug("closing the session for experiment: " + this._psychoJS.config.experiment.name);
// synchronously query the pavlovia server:
if (sync)
const url = this._psychoJS.config.pavlovia.URL
+ "/api/v2/experiments/" + this._psychoJS.config.gitlab.projectId
+ "/sessions/" + this._psychoJS.config.session.token + "/delete";
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("isCompleted", isCompleted);
navigator.sendBeacon(url, formData);
this._psychoJS.config.session.status = "CLOSED";
// asynchronously query the pavlovia server:
const self = this;
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) =>
const deleteResponse = await this._queryServerAPI(
{ isCompleted },
const closeSessionResponse = await deleteResponse.json();
if (deleteResponse.status !== 200)
throw ('error' in closeSessionResponse) ? closeSessionResponse.error : closeSessionResponse;
self._psychoJS.config.session.status = "CLOSED";
resolve({ ...response, ...closeSessionResponse });
catch (error)
reject({...response, error});
* Get the value of a resource.
* @param {string} name - name of the requested resource
* @param {boolean} [errorIfNotDownloaded = false] whether or not to throw an exception if the
* resource status is not DOWNLOADED
* @return {Object} value of the resource, or undefined if the resource has been registered
* but not downloaded yet.
* @throws {Object.<string, *>} exception if no resource with that name has previously been registered
getResource(name, errorIfNotDownloaded = false)
const response = {
origin: "ServerManager.getResource",
context: "when getting the value of resource: " + name,
const pathStatusData = this._resources.get(name);
if (typeof pathStatusData === "undefined")
// throw { ...response, error: 'unknown resource' };
throw Object.assign(response, { error: "unknown resource" });
if (errorIfNotDownloaded && pathStatusData.status !== ServerManager.ResourceStatus.DOWNLOADED)
throw Object.assign(response, {
error: name + " is not available for use (yet), its current status is: "
+ util.toString(pathStatusData.status),
return pathStatusData.data;
* Get the status of a single resource or the reduced status of an array of resources.
* <p>If an array of resources is given, getResourceStatus returns a single, reduced status
* that is the status furthest away from DOWNLOADED, with the status ordered as follow:
* <p>For example, given three resources:
* <ul>
* <li>if at least one of the resource status is ERROR, the reduced status is ERROR</li>
* <li>if at least one of the resource status is DOWNLOADING, the reduced status is DOWNLOADING</li>
* <li>if the status of all three resources is REGISTERED, the reduced status is REGISTERED</li>
* <li>if the status of all three resources is DOWNLOADED, the reduced status is DOWNLOADED</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @param {string | string[]} names names of the resources whose statuses are requested
* @return {module:core.ServerManager.ResourceStatus} status of the resource if there is only one, or reduced status otherwise
* @throws {Object.<string, *>} if at least one of the names is not that of a previously
* registered resource
const response = {
origin: "ServerManager.getResourceStatus",
context: `when getting the status of resource(s): ${JSON.stringify(names)}`,
// sanity checks:
if (typeof names === 'string')
names = [names];
if (!Array.isArray(names))
throw Object.assign(response, { error: "names should be either a string or an array of strings" });
const statusOrder = new Map([
[Symbol.keyFor(ServerManager.ResourceStatus.ERROR), 0],
[Symbol.keyFor(ServerManager.ResourceStatus.REGISTERED), 1],
[Symbol.keyFor(ServerManager.ResourceStatus.DOWNLOADING), 2],
[Symbol.keyFor(ServerManager.ResourceStatus.DOWNLOADED), 3]
let reducedStatus = ServerManager.ResourceStatus.DOWNLOADED;
for (const name of names)
const pathStatusData = this._resources.get(name);
if (typeof pathStatusData === "undefined")
// throw { ...response, error: 'unknown resource' };
throw Object.assign(response, {
error: `unable to find a previously registered resource with name: ${name}`
// update the reduced status according to the order given by statusOrder:
if (statusOrder.get(Symbol.keyFor(pathStatusData.status)) <
reducedStatus = pathStatusData.status;
return reducedStatus;
* Set the resource manager status.
const response = {
origin: "ServerManager.setStatus",
context: "when changing the status of the server manager to: " + util.toString(status),
// check status:
const statusKey = (typeof status === "symbol") ? Symbol.keyFor(status) : null;
if (!statusKey)
{ // throw { ...response, error: 'status must be a symbol' };
throw Object.assign(response, { error: "status must be a symbol" });
if (!ServerManager.Status.hasOwnProperty(statusKey))
{ // throw { ...response, error: 'unknown status' };
throw Object.assign(response, { error: "unknown status" });
this._status = status;
// inform status listeners:
this.emit(ServerManager.Event.STATUS, this._status);
return this._status;
* Reset the resource manager status to ServerManager.Status.READY.
* @return {ServerManager.Status.READY} the new status
return this.setStatus(ServerManager.Status.READY);
* Prepare resources for the experiment: register them with the server manager and possibly
* start downloading them right away.
* <ul>
* <li>For an experiment running locally: the root directory for the specified resources is that of index.html
* unless they are prepended with a protocol, such as http:// or https://.</li>
* <li>For an experiment running on the server: if no resources are specified, all files in the resources directory
* of the experiment are downloaded, otherwise we only download the specified resources. All resources are assumed
* local to index.html unless they are prepended with a protocol.</li>
* <li>If resources is null, then we do not download any resources</li>
* </ul>
* @param {String | Array.<{name: string, path: string, download: boolean} | String | Symbol>} [resources=[]] - the list of resources or a single resource
async prepareResources(resources = [])
const response = {
origin: "ServerManager.prepareResources",
context: "when preparing resources for experiment: " + this._psychoJS.config.experiment.name,
this._psychoJS.logger.debug("preparing resources for experiment: " + this._psychoJS.config.experiment.name);
const resourcesToDownload = new Set();
// register the resources:
if (resources !== null)
if (typeof resources === "string")
resources = [resources];
if (!Array.isArray(resources))
throw "resources should be either (a) a string or (b) an array of string or objects";
// whether all resources have been requested:
const allResources = (resources.length === 1 &&
resources[0] === ServerManager.ALL_RESOURCES);
// if the experiment is hosted on the pavlovia.org server and
// resources is [ServerManager.ALL_RESOURCES], then we register all the resources
// in the "resources" sub-directory
if (this._psychoJS.config.environment === ExperimentHandler.Environment.SERVER &&
// list the resources from the resources directory of the experiment on the server:
const serverResponse = await this._listResources();
// register and mark for download those resources that have not been
// registered already:
for (const name of serverResponse.resources)
if (!this._resources.has(name))
const path = serverResponse.resourceDirectory + "/" + name;
this._resources.set(name, {
status: ServerManager.ResourceStatus.REGISTERED,
data: undefined,
this._psychoJS.logger.debug(`registered resource: name= ${name}, path= ${path}`);
// if the experiment is hosted locally (localhost) or if specific resources were given
// then we register those specific resources, if they have not been registered already
// we cannot ask for all resources to be registered locally, since we cannot list
// them:
if (this._psychoJS.config.environment === ExperimentHandler.Environment.LOCAL &&
throw "resources must be manually specified when the experiment is running locally: ALL_RESOURCES cannot be used";
// convert those resources that are only a string to an object with name and path:
for (let r = 0; r < resources.length; ++r)
const resource = resources[r];
if (typeof resource === "string")
resources[r] = {
name: resource,
path: resource,
download: true
for (let { name, path, download } of resources)
if (!this._resources.has(name))
// to deal with potential CORS issues, we use the pavlovia.org proxy for resources
// not hosted on pavlovia.org:
if ( (path.toLowerCase().indexOf("www.") === 0 ||
path.toLowerCase().indexOf("http:") === 0 ||
path.toLowerCase().indexOf("https:") === 0) &&
(path.indexOf("pavlovia.org") === -1) )
path = "https://pavlovia.org/api/v2/proxy/" + path;
this._resources.set(name, {
status: ServerManager.ResourceStatus.REGISTERED,
data: undefined,
this._psychoJS.logger.debug(`registered resource: name= ${name}, path= ${path}`);
// download resources by default:
if (typeof download === "undefined" || download)
// download those registered resources for which download = true
// note: we return a Promise that will be resolved when all the resources are downloaded
if (resourcesToDownload.size === 0)
this.emit(ServerManager.Event.RESOURCE, {
message: ServerManager.Event.DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED,
return Promise.resolve();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
const uuid = this.on(ServerManager.Event.RESOURCE, (signal) =>
if (signal.message === ServerManager.Event.DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED)
this.off(ServerManager.Event.RESOURCE, uuid);
catch (error)
console.error("error", error);
throw Object.assign(response, { error });
// throw { ...response, error: error };
* Block the experiment until the specified resources have been downloaded.
* @param {Array.<{name: string, path: string}>} [resources=[]] - the list of resources
waitForResources(resources = [])
// prepare a PsychoJS component:
this._waitForDownloadComponent = {
status: PsychoJS.Status.NOT_STARTED,
clock: new Clock(),
resources: new Set(),
const self = this;
return async () =>
const t = self._waitForDownloadComponent.clock.getTime();
// start the component:
if (t >= 0.0 && self._waitForDownloadComponent.status === PsychoJS.Status.NOT_STARTED)
self._waitForDownloadComponent.tStart = t;
self._waitForDownloadComponent.status = PsychoJS.Status.STARTED;
// if resources is an empty array, we consider all registered resources:
if (resources.length === 0)
for (const [name, { status, path, data }] of this._resources)
resources.push({ name, path });
// only download those resources not already downloaded and not downloading:
const resourcesToDownload = new Set();
for (let { name, path } of resources)
// to deal with potential CORS issues, we use the pavlovia.org proxy for resources
// not hosted on pavlovia.org:
if (
(path.toLowerCase().indexOf("www.") === 0
|| path.toLowerCase().indexOf("http:") === 0
|| path.toLowerCase().indexOf("https:") === 0)
&& (path.indexOf("pavlovia.org") === -1)
path = "https://devlovia.org/api/v2/proxy/" + path;
const pathStatusData = this._resources.get(name);
// the resource has not been registered yet:
if (typeof pathStatusData === "undefined")
self._resources.set(name, {
status: ServerManager.ResourceStatus.REGISTERED,
data: undefined,
self._psychoJS.logger.debug("registered resource:", name, path);
// the resource has been registered but is not downloaded yet:
else if (typeof pathStatusData.status !== ServerManager.ResourceStatus.DOWNLOADED)
{ // else if (typeof pathStatusData.data === 'undefined')
self._waitForDownloadComponent.status = PsychoJS.Status.STARTED;
// start the download:
if (self._waitForDownloadComponent.status === PsychoJS.Status.STARTED)
// check whether all resources have been downloaded:
for (const name of self._waitForDownloadComponent.resources)
const pathStatusData = this._resources.get(name);
// the resource has not been downloaded yet: loop this component
if (pathStatusData.status !== ServerManager.ResourceStatus.DOWNLOADED)
{ // if (typeof pathStatusData.data === 'undefined')
return Scheduler.Event.FLIP_REPEAT;
// all resources have been downloaded: move to the next component:
self._waitForDownloadComponent.status = PsychoJS.Status.FINISHED;
return Scheduler.Event.NEXT;
* @typedef ServerManager.UploadDataPromise
* @property {string} origin the calling method
* @property {string} context the context
* @property {Object.<string, *>} [error] an error message if we could not upload the data
* Asynchronously upload experiment data to the pavlovia server.
* @param {string} key - the data key (e.g. the name of .csv file)
* @param {string} value - the data value (e.g. a string containing the .csv header and records)
* @param {boolean} [sync= false] - whether or not to communicate with the server in a synchronous manner
* @returns {Promise<ServerManager.UploadDataPromise>} the response
uploadData(key, value, sync = false)
const response = {
origin: "ServerManager.uploadData",
context: "when uploading participant's results for experiment: " + this._psychoJS.config.experiment.fullpath,
this._psychoJS.logger.debug("uploading data for experiment: " + this._psychoJS.config.experiment.fullpath);
const path = `experiments/${this._psychoJS.config.gitlab.projectId}/sessions/${this._psychoJS.config.session.token}/results`;
// synchronously query the pavlovia server:
if (sync)
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("key", key);
formData.append("value", value);
navigator.sendBeacon(`${this._psychoJS.config.pavlovia.URL}/api/v2/${path}`, formData);
// asynchronously query the pavlovia server:
const self = this;
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) =>
const postResponse = await this._queryServerAPI(
{ key, value },
const uploadDataResponse = await postResponse.json();
if (postResponse.status !== 200)
throw ('error' in uploadDataResponse) ? uploadDataResponse.error : uploadDataResponse;
resolve({ ...response, ...uploadDataResponse });
catch (error)
reject({...response, error});
* Asynchronously upload experiment logs to the pavlovia server.
* @param {string} logs - the base64 encoded, compressed, formatted logs
* @param {boolean} [compressed=false] - whether or not the logs are compressed
* @returns {Promise<ServerManager.UploadDataPromise>} the response
uploadLog(logs, compressed = false)
const response = {
origin: "ServerManager.uploadLog",
context: "when uploading participant's log for experiment: " + this._psychoJS.config.experiment.fullpath,
this._psychoJS.logger.debug("uploading server log for experiment: " + this._psychoJS.config.experiment.fullpath);
// prepare a POST query:
const info = this.psychoJS.experiment.extraInfo;
const filenameWithoutPath = this.psychoJS.experiment.dataFileName.split(/[\\/]/).pop();
const filename = `${filenameWithoutPath}.log`;
const data = {
// query the pavlovia server:
const self = this;
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) =>
const postResponse = await this._queryServerAPI(
const uploadLogsResponse = await postResponse.json();
if (postResponse.status !== 200)
throw ('error' in uploadLogsResponse) ? uploadLogsResponse.error : uploadLogsResponse;
resolve({...response, ...uploadLogsResponse });
catch (error)
reject({...response, error});
* Synchronously or asynchronously upload audio data to the pavlovia server.
* @param @param {Object} options
* @param {Blob} options.mediaBlob - the audio or video blob to be uploaded
* @param {string} options.tag - additional tag
* @param {boolean} [options.waitForCompletion=false] - whether or not to wait for completion
* before returning
* @param {boolean} [options.showDialog=false] - whether or not to open a dialog box to inform the participant to wait for the data to be uploaded to the server
* @param {string} [options.dialogMsg="Please wait a few moments while the data is uploading to the server"] - default message informing the participant to wait for the data to be uploaded to the server
* @returns {Promise<ServerManager.UploadDataPromise>} the response
async uploadAudioVideo({mediaBlob, tag, waitForCompletion = false, showDialog = false, dialogMsg = "Please wait a few moments while the data is uploading to the server"})
const response = {
origin: "ServerManager.uploadAudio",
context: "when uploading media data for experiment: " + this._psychoJS.config.experiment.fullpath,
if (this._psychoJS.getEnvironment() !== ExperimentHandler.Environment.SERVER
|| this._psychoJS.config.experiment.status !== "RUNNING"
|| this._psychoJS._serverMsg.has("__pilotToken"))
throw "media recordings can only be uploaded to the server for experiments running on the server";
this._psychoJS.logger.debug(`uploading media data for experiment: ${this._psychoJS.config.experiment.fullpath}`);
// open pop-up dialog:
if (showDialog)
warning: dialogMsg,
showOK: false,
// prepare the request:
const info = this.psychoJS.experiment.extraInfo;
const participant = ((typeof info.participant === "string" && info.participant.length > 0) ? info.participant : "PARTICIPANT");
const experimentName = (typeof info.expName !== "undefined") ? info.expName : this.psychoJS.config.experiment.name;
const datetime = ((typeof info.date !== "undefined") ? info.date : MonotonicClock.getDateStr());
const filename = participant + "_" + experimentName + "_" + datetime + "_" + tag;
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("media", mediaBlob, filename);
let url = this._psychoJS.config.pavlovia.URL
+ "/api/v2/experiments/" + this._psychoJS.config.gitlab.projectId
+ "/sessions/" + this._psychoJS.config.session.token
+ "/media";
// query the server:
let response = await fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
mode: "cors",
cache: "no-cache",
credentials: "same-origin",
redirect: "follow",
referrerPolicy: "no-referrer",
body: formData,
const postMediaResponse = await response.json();
this._psychoJS.logger.debug(`post media response: ${JSON.stringify(postMediaResponse)}`);
// deal with server errors:
if (!response.ok)
throw postMediaResponse;
// wait until the upload has completed:
if (waitForCompletion)
if (!("uploadToken" in postMediaResponse))
throw "incorrect server response: missing uploadToken";
const uploadToken = postMediaResponse['uploadToken'];
while (true)
// wait a bit:
await new Promise(r =>
setTimeout(r, 1000);
// check the status of the upload:
url = this._psychoJS.config.pavlovia.URL
+ "/api/v2/experiments/" + this._psychoJS.config.gitlab.projectId
+ "/sessions/" + this._psychoJS.config.session.token
+ "/media/" + uploadToken + "/status";
response = await fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
mode: "cors",
cache: "no-cache",
credentials: "same-origin",
redirect: "follow",
referrerPolicy: "no-referrer"
const checkStatusResponse = await response.json();
this._psychoJS.logger.debug(`check upload status response: ${JSON.stringify(checkStatusResponse)}`);
if (("status" in checkStatusResponse) && checkStatusResponse["status"] === "COMPLETED")
if (showDialog)
return postMediaResponse;
catch (error)
throw { ...response, error };
* List the resources available to the experiment.
* @protected
const response = {
origin: "ServerManager._listResourcesSession",
context: "when listing the resources for experiment: " + this._psychoJS.config.experiment.fullpath,
this._psychoJS.logger.debug(`listing the resources for experiment: ${this._psychoJS.config.experiment.fullpath}`);
// prepare a GET query:
const data = {
"token": this._psychoJS.config.session.token,
// query the server:
const self = this;
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) =>
const getResponse = await this._queryServerAPI(
const getResourcesResponse = await getResponse.json();
if (!("resources" in getResourcesResponse))
throw "unexpected answer from server: no resources";
if (!("resourceDirectory" in getResourcesResponse))
throw "unexpected answer from server: no resourceDirectory";
resolve({ ...response, resources: data.resources, resourceDirectory: data.resourceDirectory });
catch (error)
reject({...response, error});
* Download the specified resources.
* <p>Note: we use the [preloadjs library]{@link https://www.createjs.com/preloadjs}.</p>
* @protected
* @param {Set} resources - a set of names of previously registered resources
async _downloadResources(resources)
const response = {
origin: "ServerManager._downloadResources",
context: "when downloading resources for experiment: " + this._psychoJS.config.experiment.name,
this._psychoJS.logger.debug("downloading resources for experiment: " + this._psychoJS.config.experiment.name);
this.emit(ServerManager.Event.RESOURCE, {
message: ServerManager.Event.DOWNLOADING_RESOURCES,
count: resources.size,
// based on the resource extension either (a) add it to the preload manifest, (b) mark it for
// download by howler, or (c) add it to the document fonts
const preloadManifest = [];
const soundResources = new Set();
const fontResources = [];
for (const name of resources)
const nameParts = name.toLowerCase().split(".");
const extension = (nameParts.length > 1) ? nameParts.pop() : undefined;
// warn the user if the resource does not have any extension:
if (typeof extension === "undefined")
this.psychoJS.logger.warn(`"${name}" does not appear to have an extension, which may negatively impact its loading. We highly recommend you add an extension.`);
const pathStatusData = this._resources.get(name);
if (typeof pathStatusData === "undefined")
throw Object.assign(response, { error: name + " has not been previously registered" });
if (pathStatusData.status !== ServerManager.ResourceStatus.REGISTERED)
throw Object.assign(response, { error: name + " is already downloaded or is currently already downloading" });
const pathParts = pathStatusData.path.toLowerCase().split(".");
const pathExtension = (pathParts.length > 1) ? pathParts.pop() : undefined;
// preload.js with forced binary:
if (["csv", "odp", "xls", "xlsx", "json"].indexOf(extension) > -1)
preloadManifest.push(/*new createjs.LoadItem().set(*/ {
id: name,
src: pathStatusData.path,
type: createjs.Types.BINARY,
crossOrigin: "Anonymous",
} /*)*/);
/* note: ascii .csv are adequately handled in binary format, no need to treat them separately
// forced text for .csv:
else if (['csv'].indexOf(resourceExtension) > -1)
manifest.push({ id: resourceName, src: resourceName, type: createjs.Types.TEXT });
// sound files:
else if (["mp3", "mpeg", "opus", "ogg", "oga", "wav", "aac", "caf", "m4a", "weba", "dolby", "flac"].indexOf(extension) > -1)
if (extension === "wav")
this.psychoJS.logger.warn(`wav files are not supported by all browsers. We recommend you convert "${name}" to another format, e.g. mp3`);
// font files
else if (["ttf", "otf", "woff", "woff2"].indexOf(pathExtension) > -1)
// all other extensions handled by preload.js (download type decided by preload.js):
preloadManifest.push(/*new createjs.LoadItem().set(*/ {
id: name,
src: pathStatusData.path,
crossOrigin: "Anonymous",
} /*)*/);
// start loading resources marked for preload.js:
if (preloadManifest.length > 0)
if (this._nbLoadedResources === resources.size)
this.emit(ServerManager.Event.RESOURCE, {
message: ServerManager.Event.DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED,
// start loading fonts:
for (const name of fontResources)
const pathStatusData = this._resources.get(name);
pathStatusData.status = ServerManager.ResourceStatus.DOWNLOADING;
this.emit(ServerManager.Event.RESOURCE, {
message: ServerManager.Event.DOWNLOADING_RESOURCE,
resource: name,
const pathExtension = pathStatusData.path.toLowerCase().split(".").pop();
const newFont = await new FontFace(name, `url('${pathStatusData.path}') format('${pathExtension}')`).load();
pathStatusData.status = ServerManager.ResourceStatus.DOWNLOADED;
this.emit(ServerManager.Event.RESOURCE, {
message: ServerManager.Event.RESOURCE_DOWNLOADED,
resource: name,
if (this._nbLoadedResources === resources.size)
this.emit(ServerManager.Event.RESOURCE, {
message: ServerManager.Event.DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED,
catch (error)
pathStatusData.status = ServerManager.ResourceStatus.ERROR;
throw Object.assign(response, {
error: `unable to download resource: ${name}: ${error}`
// start loading resources marked for howler.js:
const self = this;
for (const name of soundResources)
const pathStatusData = this._resources.get(name);
pathStatusData.status = ServerManager.ResourceStatus.DOWNLOADING;
this.emit(ServerManager.Event.RESOURCE, {
message: ServerManager.Event.DOWNLOADING_RESOURCE,
resource: name,
const howl = new Howl({
src: pathStatusData.path,
preload: false,
autoplay: false,
howl.on("load", (event) =>
pathStatusData.data = howl;
pathStatusData.status = ServerManager.ResourceStatus.DOWNLOADED;
self.emit(ServerManager.Event.RESOURCE, {
message: ServerManager.Event.RESOURCE_DOWNLOADED,
resource: name,
if (self._nbLoadedResources === resources.size)
self.emit(ServerManager.Event.RESOURCE, {
message: ServerManager.Event.DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED,
howl.on("loaderror", (id, error) =>
// throw { ...response, error: 'unable to download resource: ' + name + ' (' + util.toString(error) + ')' };
throw Object.assign(response, { error: "unable to download resource: " + name + " (" + util.toString(error) + ")" });
* Setup the preload.js queue, and the associated callbacks.
* @protected
const response = {
origin: "ServerManager._setupPreloadQueue",
context: "when setting up a preload queue"
this._preloadQueue = new createjs.LoadQueue(true, "", true);
const self = this;
// the loading of a specific resource has started:
this._preloadQueue.addEventListener("filestart", (event) =>
const pathStatusData = self._resources.get(event.item.id);
pathStatusData.status = ServerManager.ResourceStatus.DOWNLOADING;
self.emit(ServerManager.Event.RESOURCE, {
message: ServerManager.Event.DOWNLOADING_RESOURCE,
resource: event.item.id,
// the loading of a specific resource has completed:
this._preloadQueue.addEventListener("fileload", (event) =>
const pathStatusData = self._resources.get(event.item.id);
pathStatusData.data = event.result;
pathStatusData.status = ServerManager.ResourceStatus.DOWNLOADED;
self.emit(ServerManager.Event.RESOURCE, {
message: ServerManager.Event.RESOURCE_DOWNLOADED,
resource: event.item.id,
// the loading of all given resources completed:
this._preloadQueue.addEventListener("complete", (event) =>
if (self._nbLoadedResources === self._resources.size)
self.emit(ServerManager.Event.RESOURCE, {
message: ServerManager.Event.DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED,
// error: we throw an exception
this._preloadQueue.addEventListener("error", (event) =>
if (typeof event.item !== "undefined")
const pathStatusData = self._resources.get(event.item.id);
pathStatusData.status = ServerManager.ResourceStatus.ERROR;
throw Object.assign(response, {
error: "unable to download resource: " + event.item.id + " (" + event.title + ")",
if (event.title === "FILE_LOAD_ERROR" && typeof event.data !== "undefined")
const id = event.data.id;
const title = event.data.src;
throw Object.assign(response, {
error: "unable to download resource: " + id + " (" + title + ")",
throw Object.assign(response, {
error: "unspecified download error",
* Query the pavlovia server API.
* @protected
* @param method the HTTP method, i.e. GET, PUT, POST, or DELETE
* @param path the resource path, without the server address
* @param data the data to be sent
* @param {string} [contentType="JSON"] the content type, either JSON or FORM
_queryServerAPI(method, path, data, contentType = "JSON")
const fullPath = `${this._psychoJS.config.pavlovia.URL}/api/v2/${path}`;
if (method === "PUT" || method === "POST" || method === "DELETE")
if (contentType === "JSON")
return fetch(fullPath, {
mode: 'cors',
cache: 'no-cache',
credentials: 'same-origin',
redirect: 'follow',
referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(data)
const formData = new FormData();
for (const attribute in data)
formData.append(attribute, data[attribute]);
return fetch(fullPath, {
mode: 'cors',
cache: 'no-cache',
credentials: 'same-origin',
redirect: 'follow',
referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer',
body: formData
if (method === "GET")
let url = new URL(fullPath);
url.search = new URLSearchParams(data).toString();
return fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
mode: "cors",
cache: "no-cache",
credentials: "same-origin",
redirect: "follow",
referrerPolicy: "no-referrer"
throw {
origin: "ServerManager._queryServer",
context: "when querying the server",
error: "the method should be GET, PUT, POST, or DELETE"
* Server event
* <p>A server event is emitted by the manager to inform its listeners of either a change of status, or of a resource related event (e.g. download started, download is completed).</p>
* @enum {Symbol}
* @readonly
ServerManager.Event = {
* Event type: resource event
* Event: resources have started to download
* Event: a specific resource download has started
* Event: a specific resource has been downloaded
* Event: resources have all downloaded
* Event type: status event
STATUS: Symbol.for("STATUS"),
* Server status
* @enum {Symbol}
* @readonly
ServerManager.Status = {
* The manager is ready.
READY: Symbol.for("READY"),
* The manager is busy, e.g. it is downloaded resources.
BUSY: Symbol.for("BUSY"),
* The manager has encountered an error, e.g. it was unable to download a resource.
ERROR: Symbol.for("ERROR"),
* Resource status
* @enum {Symbol}
* @readonly
ServerManager.ResourceStatus = {
* There was an error during downloading, or the resource is in an unknown state.
ERROR: Symbol.for("ERROR"),
* The resource has been registered.
* The resource is currently downloading.
* The resource has been downloaded.