
 * Manager handling the keyboard and mouse/touch events.
 * @author Alain Pitiot
 * @version 2022.2.3
 * @copyright (c) 2017-2020 Ilixa Ltd. ( (c) 2020-2022 Open Science Tools Ltd. (
 * @license Distributed under the terms of the MIT License

import { Clock, MonotonicClock } from "../util/Clock.js";
import { PsychoJS } from "./PsychoJS.js";

 * <p>This manager handles all participant interactions with the experiment, i.e. keyboard, mouse and touch events.</p>
export class EventManager
	 * @memberof module:core
	 * @param {Object} psychoJS
	 * @param {module:core.PsychoJS} psychoJS - the PsychoJS instance
		this._psychoJS = psychoJS;

		// populate the reverse pyglet map:
		for (const keyName in EventManager._pygletMap)
			EventManager._reversePygletMap[EventManager._pygletMap[keyName]] = keyName;

		// add key listeners:
		this._keyBuffer = [];

		// mouse info:
		// note: (a) clocks are reset on mouse button presses
		//       (b) the mouse listeners are added to the PIXI renderer, upon the latter's creation (see  Window.js)
		this._mouseInfo = {
			pos: [0, 0],
			wheelRel: [0.0, 0.0],
			buttons: {
				pressed: [0, 0, 0],
				clocks: [new Clock(), new Clock(), new Clock()],
				// time elapsed from last reset of the button.Clocks:
				times: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
			// clock reset when mouse is moved:
			moveClock: new Clock(),

	 * Get the list of keys pressed by the participant.
	 * <p>Note: The w3c [key-event viewer]{@link} can be used to see possible values for the items in the keyList given the user's keyboard and chosen layout. The "key" and "code" columns in the UI Events fields are the relevant values for the keyList argument.</p>
	 * @param {Object} options
	 * @param {string[]} [options.keyList= null] - keyList allows the user to specify a set of keys to check for. Only keypresses from this set of keys will be removed from the keyboard buffer. If no keyList is given, all keys will be checked and the key buffer will be cleared completely.
	 * @param {boolean} [options.timeStamped= false] - If true will return a list of tuples instead of a list of keynames. Each tuple has (keyname, time).
	 * @return {string[]} the list of keys that were pressed.
		keyList = null,
		timeStamped = false,
	} = {})
		if (keyList != null)
			keyList = EventManager.pyglet2w3c(keyList);

		let newBuffer = [];
		let keys = [];
		for (let i = 0; i < this._keyBuffer.length; ++i)
			const key = this._keyBuffer[i];
			let keyId = null;

			if (keyList != null)
				let index = keyList.indexOf(key.code);
				if (index < 0)
					index = keyList.indexOf(EventManager._keycodeMap[key.keyCode]);
				if (index >= 0)
					keyId = EventManager._reversePygletMap[keyList[index]];
				keyId = EventManager._reversePygletMap[key.code];

			if (keyId != null)
				if (timeStamped)
					keys.push([keyId, key.timestamp]);
			} // keep key press in buffer

		this._keyBuffer = newBuffer;
		return keys;

	 * @typedef EventManager.ButtonInfo
	 * @property {Array.number} pressed - the status of each mouse button [left, center, right]: 1 for pressed, 0 for released
	 * @property {Array.Clock} clocks - the clocks associated to the mouse buttons, reset whenever the button is pressed
	 * @property {Array.number} times - the time elapsed since the last rest of the associated clock

	 * @typedef EventManager.MouseInfo
	 * @property {Array.number} pos - the position of the mouse [x, y]
	 * @property {Array.number} wheelRel - the relative position of the wheel [x, y]
	 * @property {EventManager.ButtonInfo} buttons - the mouse button info
	 * @property {Clock} moveClock - the clock that is reset whenever the mouse moves
	 * Get the mouse info.
	 * @return {EventManager.MouseInfo} the mouse info.
		return this._mouseInfo;

	 * Clear all events from the event buffer.
	 * @todo handle the attribs argument

	 * Clear all keys from the key buffer.
		this._keyBuffer = [];

	 * Start the move clock.
	 * @todo not implemented

	 * Stop the move clock.
	 * @todo not implemented

	 * Reset the move clock.
	 * @todo not implemented

	 * Add various mouse listeners to the Pixi renderer of the {@link Window}.
	 * @param {PIXI.Renderer} renderer - The Pixi renderer
		const self = this;

		renderer.view.addEventListener("pointerdown", (event) =>

			self._mouseInfo.buttons.pressed[event.button] = 1;
			self._mouseInfo.buttons.times[event.button] = self._psychoJS._monotonicClock.getTime() - self._mouseInfo.buttons.clocks[event.button].getLastResetTime();

			self._mouseInfo.pos = [event.offsetX, event.offsetY];"Mouse: " + event.button + " button down, pos=(" + self._mouseInfo.pos[0] + "," + self._mouseInfo.pos[1] + ")");
		}, false);

		renderer.view.addEventListener("touchstart", (event) =>

			self._mouseInfo.buttons.pressed[0] = 1;
			self._mouseInfo.buttons.times[0] = self._psychoJS._monotonicClock.getTime() - self._mouseInfo.buttons.clocks[0].getLastResetTime();

			// we use the first touch, discarding all others:
			const touches = event.changedTouches;
			self._mouseInfo.pos = [touches[0].pageX, touches[0].pageY];"Mouse: " + event.button + " button down, pos=(" + self._mouseInfo.pos[0] + "," + self._mouseInfo.pos[1] + ")");
		}, false);

		renderer.view.addEventListener("pointerup", (event) =>

			self._mouseInfo.buttons.pressed[event.button] = 0;
			self._mouseInfo.buttons.times[event.button] = self._psychoJS._monotonicClock.getTime() - self._mouseInfo.buttons.clocks[event.button].getLastResetTime();
			self._mouseInfo.pos = [event.offsetX, event.offsetY];"Mouse: " + event.button + " button up, pos=(" + self._mouseInfo.pos[0] + "," + self._mouseInfo.pos[1] + ")");
		}, false);

		renderer.view.addEventListener("pointerout", (event) =>

			// if the pointer leaves the canvas: cancel all buttons
			self._mouseInfo.buttons.pressed = [0, 0, 0];
			self._mouseInfo.buttons.times = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
			self._mouseInfo.pos = [event.offsetX, event.offsetY];"Mouse: out, pos=(" + self._mouseInfo.pos[0] + "," + self._mouseInfo.pos[1] + ")");
		}, false);

		renderer.view.addEventListener("touchend", (event) =>

			self._mouseInfo.buttons.pressed[0] = 0;
			self._mouseInfo.buttons.times[0] = self._psychoJS._monotonicClock.getTime() - self._mouseInfo.buttons.clocks[0].getLastResetTime();

			// we use the first touch, discarding all others:
			const touches = event.changedTouches;
			self._mouseInfo.pos = [touches[0].pageX, touches[0].pageY];"Mouse: " + event.button + " button up, pos=(" + self._mouseInfo.pos[0] + "," + self._mouseInfo.pos[1] + ")");
		}, false);

		renderer.view.addEventListener("pointermove", (event) =>

			self._mouseInfo.pos = [event.offsetX, event.offsetY];
		}, false);

		renderer.view.addEventListener("touchmove", (event) =>


			// we use the first touch, discarding all others:
			const touches = event.changedTouches;
			self._mouseInfo.pos = [touches[0].pageX, touches[0].pageY];
		}, false);

		// (*) wheel
		renderer.view.addEventListener("wheel", (event) =>
			self._mouseInfo.wheelRel[0] += event.deltaX;
			self._mouseInfo.wheelRel[1] += event.deltaY;"Mouse: wheel shift=(" + event.deltaX + "," + event.deltaY + "), pos=(" + self._mouseInfo.pos[0] + "," + self._mouseInfo.pos[1] + ")");
		}, false);

	 * Add key listeners to the document.
	 * @protected
		const self = this;

		// add a keydown listener
		// note: IE11 is not happy with document.addEventListener
		window.addEventListener("keydown", (event) =>
		// 		document.addEventListener("keydown", (event) =>
			const timestamp = MonotonicClock.getReferenceTime();

			let code = event.code;

			// take care of legacy Microsoft browsers (IE11 and pre-Chromium Edge):
			if (typeof code === "undefined")
				code = EventManager.keycode2w3c(event.keyCode);

				key: event.key,
				keyCode: event.keyCode,
			self._psychoJS.logger.trace("keydown: ", event.key);"Keydown: " + event.key);


	 * Convert a keylist that uses pyglet key names to one that uses W3C KeyboardEvent.code values.
	 * <p>This allows key lists that work in the builder environment to work in psychoJS web experiments.</p>
	 * @param {Array.string} pygletKeyList - the array of pyglet key names
	 * @return {Array.string} the w3c keyList
	static pyglet2w3c(pygletKeyList)
		let w3cKeyList = [];
		for (let i = 0; i < pygletKeyList.length; i++)
			if (typeof EventManager._pygletMap[pygletKeyList[i]] === "undefined")

		return w3cKeyList;

	 * Convert a W3C Key Code into a pyglet key.
	 * @param {string} code - W3C Key Code
	 * @returns {string} corresponding pyglet key
	static w3c2pyglet(code)
		if (code in EventManager._reversePygletMap)
			return EventManager._reversePygletMap[code];
			return "N/A";

	 * Convert a keycode to a W3C UI Event code.
	 * <p>This is for legacy browsers.</p>
	 * @param {number} keycode - the keycode
	 * @returns {string} corresponding W3C UI Event code
	static keycode2w3c(keycode)
		return EventManager._keycodeMap[keycode];

 * <p>This map provides support for browsers that have not yet
 * adopted the W3C KeyboardEvent.code standard for detecting key presses.
 * It maps the deprecated KeyboardEvent.keycode values to the W3C UI event codes.</p>
 * <p>Unfortunately, it is not very fine-grained: for instance, there is no difference between Alt Left and Alt
 * Right, or between Enter and Numpad Enter. Use at your own risk (or upgrade your browser...).</p>
 * @readonly
 * @protected
 * @type {Object.<number,String>}
EventManager._keycodeMap = {
	49: "Digit1",
	50: "Digit2",
	51: "Digit3",
	52: "Digit4",
	53: "Digit5",
	54: "Digit6",
	55: "Digit7",
	56: "Digit8",
	57: "Digit9",
	48: "Digit0",
	65: "KeyA",
	66: "KeyB",
	67: "KeyC",
	68: "KeyD",
	69: "KeyE",
	70: "KeyF",
	71: "KeyG",
	72: "KeyH",
	73: "KeyI",
	74: "KeyJ",
	75: "KeyK",
	76: "KeyL",
	77: "KeyM",
	78: "KeyN",
	79: "KeyO",
	80: "KeyP",
	81: "KeyQ",
	82: "KeyR",
	83: "KeyS",
	84: "KeyT",
	85: "KeyU",
	86: "KeyV",
	87: "KeyW",
	88: "KeyX",
	89: "KeyY",
	90: "KeyZ",
	188: "Comma",
	190: "Period",
	186: "Semicolon",
	222: "Quote",
	219: "BracketLeft",
	221: "BracketRight",
	192: "Backquote",
	220: "Backslash",
	189: "Minus",
	187: "Equal",
	144: "NumLock",
	96: "Numpad0",
	97: "Numpad1",
	98: "Numpad2",
	99: "Numpad3",
	100: "Numpad4",
	101: "Numpad5",
	102: "Numpad6",
	103: "Numpad7",
	104: "Numpad8",
	105: "Numpad9",
	107: "NumpadAdd",
	194: "NumpadComma",
	110: "NumpadDecimal",
	111: "NumpadDivide",
	12: "NumpadEqual",
	106: "NumpadMultiply",
	109: "NumpadSubtract",

	13: "Enter", // 13 is also Numpad Enter, alas
	16: "ShiftLeft", // 16 is also Shift Right, alas
	17: "ControlLeft", // 17 is also Control Right, alas
	18: "AltLeft", // 18 is also Alt Right, alas

	37: "ArrowLeft",
	38: "ArrowUp",
	39: "ArrowRight",
	40: "ArrowDown",
	27: "Escape",
	32: "Space",

 * This map associates pyglet key names to the corresponding W3C KeyboardEvent codes values.
 * <p>More information can be found [here]{@link}</p>
 * @readonly
 * @protected
 * @type {Object.<String,String>}
EventManager._pygletMap = {
	// alphanumeric:
	"grave": "Backquote",
	"backslash": "Backslash",
	"backspace": "Backspace",
	"bracketleft": "BracketLeft",
	"bracketright": "BracketRight",
	"comma": "Comma",
	"0": "Digit0",
	"1": "Digit1",
	"2": "Digit2",
	"3": "Digit3",
	"4": "Digit4",
	"5": "Digit5",
	"6": "Digit6",
	"7": "Digit7",
	"8": "Digit8",
	"9": "Digit9",
	"equal": "Equal",
	"a": "KeyA",
	"b": "KeyB",
	"c": "KeyC",
	"d": "KeyD",
	"e": "KeyE",
	"f": "KeyF",
	"g": "KeyG",
	"h": "KeyH",
	"i": "KeyI",
	"j": "KeyJ",
	"k": "KeyK",
	"l": "KeyL",
	"m": "KeyM",
	"n": "KeyN",
	"o": "KeyO",
	"p": "KeyP",
	"q": "KeyQ",
	"r": "KeyR",
	"s": "KeyS",
	"t": "KeyT",
	"u": "KeyU",
	"v": "KeyV",
	"w": "KeyW",
	"x": "KeyX",
	"y": "KeyY",
	"z": "KeyZ",
	"minus": "Minus",
	"period": "Period",
	"apostrophe": "Quote",
	"semicolon": "Semicolon",
	"slash": "Slash",

	// functional keys
	"escape": "Escape",
	"loption": "AltLeft",
	"roption": "AltRight",
	"capslock": "CapsLock",
	"lcontrol": "ControlLeft",
	"rcontrol": "ControlRight",
	"return": "Enter",
	"lcommand": "MetaLeft",
	"rcommand": "MetaRight",
	"lshift": "ShiftLeft",
	"rshift": "ShiftRight",
	"space": "Space",
	"tab": "Tab",

	// arrowpad
	"down": "ArrowDown",
	"left": "ArrowLeft",
	"right": "ArrowRight",
	"up": "ArrowUp",

	// numeric pad
	"num_0": "Numpad0",
	"num_1": "Numpad1",
	"num_2": "Numpad2",
	"num_3": "Numpad3",
	"num_4": "Numpad4",
	"num_5": "Numpad5",
	"num_6": "Numpad6",
	"num_7": "Numpad7",
	"num_8": "Numpad8",
	"num_9": "Numpad9",
	"num_decimal": "NumpadDecimal",
	"num_enter": "NumpadEnter",
	"num_add": "NumpadAdd",
	"num_subtract": "NumpadSubtract",
	"num_multiply": "NumpadMultiply",
	"num_divide": "NumpadDivide",
	"num_equal": "NumpadEqual",
	"num_numlock": "NumpadNumlock",

 * <p>This map associates W3C to the corresponding pyglet key names.
 * @readonly
 * @protected
 * @type {Object.<String,String>}
EventManager._reversePygletMap = {};

 * Utility class used by the experiment scripts to keep track of a clock and of the current status (whether or not we are currently checking the keyboard)
 * @param {Object} options
 * @param {module:core.PsychoJS} options.psychoJS - the PsychoJS instance
export class BuilderKeyResponse
		this._psychoJS = psychoJS;

		this.status = PsychoJS.Status.NOT_STARTED;
		this.keys = []; // the key(s) pressed
		this.corr = 0; // was the resp correct this trial? (0=no, 1=yes)
		this.rt = []; // response time(s)
		this.clock = new Clock(); // we'll use this to measure the rt